Lulia-kebab - recipe

Lula-kebab is an amazing dish of Caucasian cuisine. It is prepared from ground meat with spices, usually planted on a skewer and baked on charcoal. At home, it can be prepared on the grill or in the oven, if the first option is not available.

Lulia-kebab from mutton in the oven - recipe



Washed lamb is dried and cut into small pieces. We clean garlic and onions, the latter cut into several pieces depending on the size. Fresh greens are washed and dried. You can take any other greens, the taste of which you prefer, such as basil or parsley. We cut mutton with carrot fat with carrots, onions and herbs in any convenient way. You can twist the prepared components through a meat grinder or crank in a combine or chopper.

Grains of coriander and zira crush in a mortar and add to ground meat. Sdabrivaem it also with salt, ground with red and black pepper, add lemon juice and mix. For better binding of components between each other we beat off the forcemeat properly, several times lifting and again throwing into a bowl. Then cover the container with a lid and determine in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

During this time we will prepare a design for cooking lyulya-kebabs in the oven. On the baking tray, install a grate and lining it with foil in such a way that it bends in the openings and forms deep cavities into which fat will drain off when baked, or we cover the baking sheet with foil, and install the grate from above. The foil in our case plays the role of a kind of heat reflector.

From the cold stuffing we quickly form the kebab lulia, placing it on wooden skewers, and lay out on a prepared grate. Skewers should be pre-soaked for a while in cold water, in which case they will not be so charred when baked.

We place the kebab kebab in the oven preheated to maximum temperature and bake it to ruddy on all sides, turning it once in the process. Ideally, the oven will be set to mode in conjunction with the grill function.

Ready lub-kebab is transferred to a dish and served with fresh vegetables, herbs and spicy sauce .

Lulia-kebab on the grill - recipe from beef



The algorithm for making minced meat for kebab lul-kebab is similar to the previous recipe, only instead of mutton in this case we have beef. Similarly, mine, we dry it, cut it and crush it together with fat and vegetables. Then add salt, ground black pepper, spices to your own taste and ground or freshly chopped fresh greens. Then mix the stuffing, beat off a bit and place in the refrigerator for at least one hour. The stuffing should be necessarily well cooled. In this case, the fat freezes, and the product is well held on skewers or skewers and does not fall off.

From the cooled stuffing we form lyulya-kebabs, strung on the skewer, and bake them on charcoal grill until ready and rosy.

Hot lub-kebab is served with vegetables, herbs and sauce, which can be made according to the following recipe.

Sauce for lub-kebab - recipe



Half-rings of onion pickled in lemon juice for about an hour, a little salted and peppery. Chopped garlic and chili pepper a little in olive oil, then pour in tomato sauce, salt, pepper and spices to taste, stew for five minutes, and let cool. On a plate with lyulya-kebab we spread the pickled onion, water it with sauce and serve it.