Ajika from cherry plum - preparation for the winter

Alycha is a universal fruit. From it you can cook delicious compotes and jam , and from it comes a delightful adzhika. Recipes for preparation of ajiki from cherry plum are described below.

Adjika from plum for winter - recipe



Alycha is first thoroughly washed. Pour it into a saucepan, pour in water and put it on a stove. Boil until soft. Then we rub the alycha through the colander with parts. We rub, while in a colander there will be only skins and ossicles. All the greens are washed and cut. If you can not find a flea mint, you can take a thyme instead. Now, all the greens together with the coriander are twisted in a meat grinder or crushed in a blender. In the same way we do with cleaned denticles of garlic and chilli pepper. Obtained from the cherry plum we put on the fire, bring to a boil, add salt, gruel from greens, garlic and pepper. Then add a little water until the adjika is the consistency that you like. After boiling, we cook Adzhika from cherry plum with greens for at least 1 hour. Periodically it needs to be stirred so that it does not burn out. After that we taste. If plum is sour, put sugar. You can do without it, if the fruit had a sweet and sour taste. If sugar is added, then adzhika will boil for another 5-7 minutes. Boiling it we pour it over sterilized jars, roll it up, turn it upside down and leave it to cool. Keep these blanks in a cool place.

Ajika from cherry plum and tomato - cooking for the winter



To my cherry plum, we remove the stems and bones. My tomatoes, arbitrarily sliced ​​and crushed with a blender. Sweet pepper, chili and pepperoni are also mine, cut and grind in a blender. Alychu is crushed in exactly the same way. Garlic is cleaned and grinded - it can be passed through a press or grated on a fine grater. All the ingredients are mixed, put on the fire and boil about 1 hour from the boiling point. Add salt, spices. And now we taste it - if the adzhika is sour, pour sugar. The important point is that when cooking it is not necessary to cover the pan with a lid, because we need to make ajika from cherry plums and tomato for the winter boiled and thickened. We pour it on sterile cans and roll it up.

Adjika from yellow cherry plum - preparation for the winter



To my cherry plum, we remove the bones. We pass it through the meat grinder. And if the bones are removed hard, then you can go another way - we fill the fruit with boiling water or slightly boil, and then we rub through the colander. Pepper, garlic and greens are twisted in a meat grinder and add to the plum. Pour tomato sauce, add sugar, salt and mix. Let the mass brew for about 20 minutes, after which it is completely ready for use. And to adzhiku from yellow cherry plum to prepare for the winter for the future, it is possible to decompose ajika from plum on sterilized jars, to close with kapron lids and put in storage in a cool place. If the cellar is not cold enough, then it is better to store it in the refrigerator. Bon Appetit!