What does the Kalanchoe look like?

One of the most common pets on the windowsill is the Kalanchoe. Almost every florist will recognize this flower from a thousand. But among us there are people who do not know what the Kalanchoe looks like. It is for them our article.

What does the therapeutic Kalanchoe look like?

This representative of succulents has several species. The most famous is the one we use for juice for colds, for example, with rhinitis and sinusitis. Botanists call it the Kalanchoe of Degremon.

If we talk about what a Kalanchoe flower looks like, it is a perennial plant with a fleshy stem and rather thick green leaves. The succulent can reach a height of 8 cm to 70-100 cm. The leaves of the triangular form are located at an angle to the stem. Edges of leaves, serrate, slightly curved inwards.

By the way, on the serrate margins small plants develop - brood buds. When hit on the soil, they immediately take root.

How does a Kalanchoe flourish?

It is another kind of Kalanchoe, decorative or Blossfeld . This is a real find for those who love flowering plants on their windowsill. A compact bush with height up to 30 cm is equipped with an erect stalk. On its branches develop dense with shiny surface leaves. In contrast to Kalanchoe Degremona (medicinal), in the decorative form the leaves are round or ovate, and not triangular. The edges of dark green leaves can be crenate. If the pot from the Kalanchoe is located on the south window sill, a red border appears on the leaves because of excessive sunlight.

Special inflorescence is possessed by inflorescences-brushes, in which small flowers of red, pink, yellow or orange are collected. Flowering at the Kalanchoe of Blossfeld occurs usually from the middle of winter and until the end of spring.