Growing blueberries from seeds at home

Blueberries are a delicious and very useful berry. It has a number of healing properties that have been known for a very long time: it helps the intestines work, prevents the development of tumors and has a good effect on vision. Blueberries are rich in minerals: iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, etc.

Reproduction of blueberries is possible by dividing the bush, by cuttings or by seeds. The first two methods are more laborious, but it is not so difficult to grow blueberries from seeds at home. Let's see what's what.

How to grow blueberries from seeds?

The first step is to stock up the planting material. Take the seeds can be from ripe or frozen berries, or buy in the store. To get seeds from blueberries, it should be kneaded with a fork in a cup and add water there. Small seeds will float to the surface - they will need to be collected, washed several times with fresh water and then decomposed to dry.

There are several ways to plant blueberry seed:

  1. Plant blueberry seeds in containers filled with natural substrate - peat mixed with sand, fallen leaves, bark of trees, etc. In the spring, sprouts need to be dived and sent for cultivation.
  2. Bury the whole berries, bypassing the process of separation of seeds. Shoots, as a rule, appear in the spring, but they are most likely to be heterogeneous.
  3. Seeds of frozen berries soak for a day in a solution of growth stimulant, and then planted in a schoolchild.

Note that the seeds of the frozen berries are not necessary to stratify, and the planting material, taken from ordinary fresh berries, is desirable to be quenched.

Blueberry seedlings are transplanted only after a year, when they are sufficiently strong. And the first berries usually appear only in the third year.

As you can see, the process of growing blueberries from seeds is simple enough and is available at home to even beginners in gardening.