Santolina - planting and care

Santolina is a decorative shrub whose homeland is the warm Mediterranean. The plant is popular with gardeners not only because of its unusual graceful appearance, but also because of its exquisite fragrance. Different types of santolina are distinguished by the height of the bush, the structure and color of the leaves, as well as the color and size of the flowers.

Planting and caring for Santolina

Growing santolina and caring for it does not require special skills and time. Plant a shrub in a warm, well sunlit place. Any loose soil is suitable for planting, but for a better flowering of santolines it is preferable to choose a poor, well drained land. Watering the plant is required moderate, since excess moisture is pernicious for santolina. From March to the end of August, the plant is fed with complex mineral fertilizers with a small amount of nitrogen not more than once a month.

Pruning Santolina

To make the bush neat form after the flowering is carried out pruning. A very overgrown shrub in the beginning of spring is cut dramatically, but this case of seasonal flowering should not wait for the plant.

Wintering of santolina

Santolina comes from quite warm places, so there is a real danger of freezing the plant in the harsh climatic conditions of the middle belt. For the successful wintering of planting, santolines are covered with lapnik, fallen leaves or some covering material. It is often practiced to transfer the plant to a cool, dry place. Carrying santoliny recommended before the onset of the first autumn frost. Watering the plants in winter is rare - once a week.

Reproduction of santolina

The plant multiplies by seeds and cuttings. Seeds are sown in containers in early April, and by the end of spring they plant seedlings in the soil. But it is quite possible to sow seeds directly into the open ground at the end of spring, when the danger of nocturnal frosts passes.

Reproduction of santolina by cuttings is carried out in the spring or early in the summer. To this end, cuttings from young shoots are harvested at the end of February. Cuttings are planted in the sand, covering them with film or glass. When the roots appear, the cuttings are transplanted into the open ground.

Types of santolina

Most often in landscape design the following kinds of santolina are used:

Using Santolina in Design

Since shrubs are well shaped, santolinus is often used to create green borders, edging flower beds and when decorating alpine hills . Often, santolin is grown to decorate loggias or balconies with good lighting. Santolins are widely used in bonsai. Thanks to a well-formed crown and gradually truncated tree trunk, they resemble miniature trees.