Nodal erythema

This disease is characterized by inflammatory reactions, manifested in the form of painful, reddish subcutaneous nodules. Already immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately. Nodular erythema may be a sign of another, extremely complicated disease. In some cases it appears as a signal about the appearance of cancer cells.

Causes of erythema nodosum

Based on the general statistics, we can say with confidence that the exact and precise cause of the appearance of erythema is almost impossible to determine. In many other cases, it can be associated with:

  1. Infection - spektokok, disease after cat scratch, chlamydia, hepatitis B, syphilis, tularemia, tuberculosis, ornithosis and many others.
  2. Hypersensitivity to various drugs. For example, amoxicillin, sulfonamides, oral contraceptives, sulfones and various antibiotics in large quantities.
  3. Hormonal disorders during pregnancy.
  4. Other disorders associated with erythema - leukemia, sarcoidosis, lymphoma, ulcerative colitis, as well as Behcet's disease.

The most common in women aged 18 to 40 years. Much less often observed in old age.

Symptoms of erythema nodosum

The most common symptoms of this disease are nodules or characteristic seals. Most often they appear in the area of ​​the knee joint or in many other parts of the body. It can be buttocks, hips, calves of the legs, forearms and lower back. Initially, the characteristic manifestations of erythema are flat, firm to the touch and well warm. Their dimensions reach about 7 cm. Their color may change with time (purple or dark brown), for a few weeks they gradually disappear, leaving behind them dark spots on the skin.

Quite often, with nodal erythema, the following common symptoms are observed:

Chronic erythema nodosum

The chronic disease plan is divided into several varieties:

  1. Migrating nodal erythema - has the longest duration of the disease. Characterized by dense nodes with fuzzy boundaries.
  2. Surface-infiltrative erythema - is distinguished by a fairly large size and a propensity for growth, along the center of redness there are ring-shaped elements.

All the rashes are accompanied by pain in the joints, the patient is feverish and increases the ESR.

Treatment of erythema nodosum

In the case where the nodal erythema is caused by other diseases, it can go away if it is treated. That is, this therapy will be directed directly at removing the underlying cause of the disease. To ease the symptoms, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used.

When nodules appear, it is recommended to take potassium iodide for effective treatment. In acute inflammatory forms, only drugs with salicylate or corticosteroids are taken. If the patient suffers severe pain, you can take analgesics. Directly to the places of skin manifestations, cold compresses can be applied. In treatment, rest and a decrease in intensive movement is recommended.

How to treat erythema nodosum at home?

As an auxiliary treatment at home you can use various lotions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory effects. It can be such as chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort and many others. Treatment of nodal erythema with folk remedies consists in the intake of various herbal infusions and local lotions:

It is necessary to grind and mix one teaspoon of leaves of horse chestnut and grass sweet clover and all this pour a glass of hot water. Within 15 minutes, insist on a water bath, and then let it brew. Take this infusion should be three to four times a day for a tablespoon.

Equal parts of the pulp of aloe, lemon juice and honey will be needed. Mix all this and add ground walnuts. Such gruel should be taken one spoonful before meals for half an hour.

Every day for two or three times it is recommended to eat a clove of garlic with honey or to drink half a glass of milk with garlic tincture.