Pies with blueberries

When the summer season starts and blueberries are sung in the gardens, every housewife thinks about what to cook delicious with the addition of this berry. We want to share with you today some interesting recipes for blueberry pies, which are sure to please everyone.

Recipe for pies with blueberries


For the test:

For filling:

For coating:


Let's see with you how to bake blueberry pies. So, take a mature wheat starter, dilute it with warm milk and mix well. We sift the flour, pour in salt, dry yeast, sugar and everything is lightly beaten. Further in the center we make a deepening, we break the egg into it and mix it. Then gently pour the diluted starter and mix the homogeneous dough, pouring the flour, if necessary, or diluting with milk. As a result, we should get a soft dough, slightly adhering to the hands. Melted butter melt in a microwave and connect it with vegetable. Now, in small portions, we mix the resulting oil mixture into the dough, cover it with a foil and leave it in the heat for 30 minutes. After that, once again, we knead it well and wait for another half an hour. Do not waste time in vain, we will prepare while filling for pies. To do this, fresh berries fall asleep with sugar, add the mango and mix. From the risen dough we pick off small pieces and form balls from them. We roll them into a cake, lay out the filling in the center, and protect the edges of the dough in the form of a skirt and make a small patty. Similarly, we proceed with all the balls and spread the resulting blanks on a baking sheet. Cover the products with a towel and leave to stand for about 1.5 hours. Next, grease pies with blueberries beaten egg and bake in the oven at 200 ° C for 15 minutes. We roll hot bread rolls with melted butter and transfer it to a large dish.

Recipe for fried pies with blueberries



To prepare pies with bilberries in a frying pan in a bowl, put yeast, mash them well and dilute warm milk. Then we pour some sugar and flour. We mix it to obtain a liquid mass and leave it for 15-20 minutes, frosted. Then pour the remaining milk, throw a pinch of salt and add the vegetable oil. Mix the mass and, gradually adding flour, mix a smooth homogeneous dough, which we transfer to a bowl and leave in the heat for about 2 hours. After this time, we divide it into pieces and roll it into lozenges. At the top of each piece, lay a little blueberry and sprinkle it with sugar. Now carefully form the patties and fry them on vegetable oil from two sides.

Puff cakes with blueberries



Ready puff pastry is thawed, slightly rolled out with a rolling pin and cut into squares. Berries are sorted, washed and dried. For each square of the test, spread a little blueberries, sprinkle with vanilla, sugar and coconut chips. Lubricate the dough around the edges with whipped eggs and carefully form pies. Then put them on a baking sheet and send it to a heated oven. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees, and then we get ready-made pies with blueberries without yeast and served on the table.