How to salt red caviar at home?

For the lucky owners of bags that are not at first sight (yastykov) with red caviar, we will tell you how to properly pick up their contents and get the beloved valuable delicacy as a result.

How correctly to salt fresh red caviar salmon at home?



If the pink salmon bought in the store turned out to be with the "rich dowry" and pleased you with the opening of the abdomen with the presence of two yastyks with red caviar, arm ourselves with a recipe and proceed to pickle the delicacies.

The most difficult part of the entire procurement process is to properly remove the films (yastyks), which reliably protect the eggs from damage, while preserving the integrity of the eggs. To do this, you can simply stock up on patience and scrape out the eggs a little, step by step separating it from the films, or take advantage of a faster, but requiring some skill and skill. In the latter case, in addition, you will need a sieve with large divisions (larger than caviar) or simply a racket for playing badminton. First you need to break the integrity of the film on one side, and then squeeze the eggs, pressing the yastik to the grid.

When the most important stage of preparation of pink salmon roe will be performed, proceed directly to its salting. We boil water, we dissolve in it salt and granulated sugar, we cool and fill it with red caviar. After about seven minutes, drain the caviar into a small sieve and leave it for a couple of hours to drain. In the end, we put the eggs in a jar, pour a little oil there, mix the delicacy accurately and we can start tasting.

How to salt home red caviar of chum salmon for long-term storage?



If the source of red caviar in your case is the chum, then after extracting the yastikov from the abdomen, they must be rinsed in a warm salt solution, prepared from a liter of water and half a teaspoon of rock salt, not iodized. After this, the film must be picked up with a fork and release the eggs, using one of the methods described above.

Now, to dip the eggs, we dip them into a warm salt solution, putting two tablespoons of it into a liter of water. After seven to ten minutes, drain the caviar into a sieve and shift it for a while onto a kitchen towel to soak up moisture. We put the finished product in a prepared sterile container, add a little oil, mix carefully, so as not to damage the integrity of the eggs, pour a little more oil and from above and place it on the shelf of the refrigerator for a long period of storage .

As you have already noticed, we do not add sugar when preparing caviar for long-term storage.

How to salt frozen red caviar?



Before proceeding to salting frozen red caviar, it must be thawed in a gentle mode, shifting the yastye to the lower shelf in the refrigerator compartment. Within a few hours the product will recede, and now rinse it with a little salted warm water (40-45 degrees). After such an aqueous procedure, the film with the yastik will depart easier and easier, and it can be helped by using a large sieve or racket, as in the cases above.

The prepared caviar is now poured over boiled and cooled brine, in which the proportions of salt, sugar and water are maintained in the amount of 65 g, 25 g and 1 l, respectively, or to taste a little more.

After twenty minutes, the caviar is drained onto a sieve, letting it drain for a couple of hours, and then mixed with sunflower or olive oil without a smell, placed in a dry and sterile jar, closed with a lid and placed on the shelf of the refrigerator until consumed.