Herring caviar

And did you know that from the usual salted herring you can make a terrific delicious caviar for sandwiches? No! Then we'll tell you everything in detail now.

Recipe for red caviar from herring



Now tell you how to make caviar from herring. We cut the herring fillets into small cubes. If you bought a whole herring, pay close attention to the fact that the bones need to be chosen all and very carefully.

Carrots mine, boil until cooked, cleaned and shredded in small pieces. Fused cheese and butter cool in the freezer, and then cut into small cubes. Now we connect the herring, carrots, cream butter and melted cheese in one dish.

Next, take the blender, thoroughly beat everything until a thick homogeneous mass and clean in the fridge. Bread cut into slices, fry them in a toaster and spread on each piece a small amount of red caviar from herring. Ready-made sandwiches are decorated according to your taste and served on the table with fresh cucumbers.

Recipe for caviar from herring



So, to make caviar from herring with a manga, take a liter mug, pour into it the right amount of sunflower oil and tomato puree. Then put the dishes on a slow fire, do not mix the liquids: they still remain floating in layers.

After a few minutes, when the mixture starts to bubble slightly, sprinkle a semolina with a thin trickle, constantly stirring the contents of the cup so that no lumps form. Right before your eyes, the manga will begin to connect with the tomato, and the oil still remains floating on its own. Exactly in a minute, remove the mug from the plate and leave the mixture to cool.

This time we will take care while the fish: we take the herring, process it, cut it on the fillet, remove the bones and crush the blender together with the peeled onions. In a deep container we shift the fish mass and the mango cooked in tomato and oil. We mix all the ingredients with a spoon until homogeneity. Then once again, whisk all the blender, so that the mass turned airy and lush. That's all, homemade caviar from herring ready. Now it can be spread on bread or stuff it with pancakes.