How does a girl pump up a press to the dice?

A beautiful flat stomach is the pride of the girls, but some go further and want to see a press with cubes. For this you will have to train regularly and adjust your diet. It is important to exclude fatty and high-calorie foods , and drink plenty of water.

How does a girl pump up a press to the dice?

It is important to consider that the female body is prone to accumulation of fat, so to achieve the desired results it is necessary to work hard.

Tips on how to quickly press the girl's press to the dice:

  1. The best thing to do every other day is not to overload the muscles, and they could recover.
  2. It starts with a small load, but with each occupation gradually increase it, relying on their own capabilities.
  3. It is recommended to perform each exercise on average 15 times in 3 sets.
  4. The ideal time for training is morning and best before meals.

How to pump the upper and lower press cubes - exercises

  1. For the lower press . To cope with the task, you need to perform leg lifts. While on the back, hands spread apart. The task is to raise the straight legs up to an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. For the upper press . Many people are interested in how to pump up the press so that the cubes can be seen, and the answer is simple enough - to perform twisting. On your back, keep your hands behind your head, and bend your knees. Slowly twist the upper part of the body, while controlling that the loin does not come off the floor.
  3. For oblique muscles . This exercise is very important for a good result. It is performed as the previous one, but when twisting, it is necessary to touch the left elbow of the right knee, and then vice versa.

To draw the inflated press it is necessary to perform aerobic loads, and you can choose any direction, for example, running, jumping rope, etc. It is important to understand that exercises on the press in combination with fat burning workouts can give relief to the muscles of the abdominal press. Also, it should be noted that the load must constantly change, as the muscles quickly adapt and the process of growth of muscle tissue slows down.

Below we offer an effective set of exercises that does not require special skills and a high level of physical fitness.