Crafts from groats own hands step by step

Various materials can be used to create bright and original children's crafts. In particular, very interesting decorations for decorating the interior can be obtained from cereals, seeds and pasta.

Of these bulk products, it is possible to produce both flat and bulk artifacts. Meanwhile, the most popular among parents with children are unusually beautiful panels, made in appliqué technology, which can be an excellent gift for loved ones or an element of interior decoration.

In this article, we offer you a few detailed step-by-step instructions with the help of which each child can create original handicrafts from beans, seeds, various cereals and other bulk materials.

How to make hand-made articles from cereals?

With the help of the next master class, each child will be able to figure out how to create step by step various products from cereals and macaroni themselves:

  1. Take a plastic tray of octagonal shape with a small depression and rub it with sandpaper until scratches appear. This is necessary in order for the loose materials to hold more firmly.
  2. At the bottom of the tray, apply a small amount of glue.
  3. Glue the peas in one layer over the entire surface.
  4. On the outer edge of the tray, glue the pearl barley in the same way.
  5. Over peas, glue pasta, beans and other materials with adhesive glue gun so that the original patterns are obtained.
  6. When the glue is completely dry, cover the outer surface of the panel with brown enamel, and after a while - golden. Here's such a wonderful tray you get!

The smallest children, starting from 2-3 years old, under the control of their parents, can make hand-made articles from cereals and plasticine. This lesson is not only very entertaining, but also useful, because in the process of creating such pictures, the fine motor skills of the fingers of babies are improved, which means that the vocabulary expands.

Learn how to make such crafts from cereals will help you the following master class:

  1. Prepare the necessary materials - a picture of a fish on cardboard, plasticine, a brush and paints, scissors, as well as buckwheat and rice.
  2. Tail fish color green gouache.
  3. Red color over the fin.
  4. Cut the yellow plasticine into small pieces.
  5. Use these pieces to paint the body of the fish.
  6. Other colors of plasticine paint over the rest of the picture.
  7. The body of the fish is decorated with rice, pressing the croup into the clay.
  8. Head exactly the same way, decorate with buckwheat.
  9. On the tail, place several colored plasticine balls, flattening them with your finger. In the middle of each resulting mug, insert a buckwheat.
  10. Here you have such bright and unusual fish. It remains only to cut it out of cardboard.
  11. This gorgeous craftsmanship will be a welcome gift for everyone!

From cereals and other loose materials, you can do other children's crafts yourself, some ideas of which are demonstrated in our photo gallery: