Speech development delay 2 years

Careful and attentive parents closely follow the development of their child. The first "aga" and the first zubik - everything should appear at the appointed time. It is quite natural that the slightest deviations from the norm, let alone such as the delay in speech development in 2 years, will not go unnoticed. Despite the fact that each child develops individually and the process of speech formation depends on many factors, by the age of 2, problems with speech development , if any, are obvious.

Delay in the development of speech in children

In 2-3 years babies develop very actively, and in particular, the child's speech achievements reach its apogee: crumbs make verbose detailed sentences, use verbs, adjectives, pronouns. The baby's vocabulary is constantly increasing, the pronunciation becomes more distinct and legible.

Therefore, at this age of parents should alert the following:

The reasons for speech delay in the child are different, and conditionally divided into two groups:

  1. The first include organic disorders, which in turn can be congenital and acquired. These are birth trauma , hearing impairment, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral palsy, traumas, illnesses, surgeries transferred in early childhood, brain tumors.
  2. The second group of reasons provoking a mental delay in the development of speech in children include disorders caused by stress, poor living conditions, incorrect education, frequent quarrels and alcoholism of parents.

Types of delayed speech development

As you know, external speech, respectively, and delay, it is accepted to subdivide into:

  1. Expressive. This is the process of expressing previously formed thoughts. Expressive speech refers to the articulation of speech sounds, the pronunciation of words or phrases. The delay in the formation of expressive speech may not be related to mental retardation, neurologic or auditory disorders, however, it is impossible to exclude such a possibility. Deviations of expressive speech are manifested in the form of a significant lag in speech development from age norms, distortion of words. For example, babies miss prefixes and endings, their vocabulary is minimal, and communication is limited to a set of standard shortened phrases. Heavy forms of the disease, as a rule, are diagnosed up to three years.
  2. Receptive (impressive). This is listening, reading. In disorders of receptive speech, the child has problems with understanding the words of elders and pronunciation, the auditory perception of such children is reduced, while with the physical hearing everything is in order.