Fitness food

Depending on what goals you set for yourself, fitness meals may be slightly different. If you want to lose weight quickly, then for you one diet, and if you want to gain muscle mass - then another. Usually women turn to fitness , when the figure is already spoiled by excess fatty deposits. In this case, even if your ultimate goal is to gain muscle mass, you should initially start losing weight, and only when the fat layer is significantly reduced, you can proceed to a set of muscle mass. Combining these two processes is extremely difficult, and it is better to execute them consistently.

Fitness menu for weight loss

In order to lose weight, you need to create a difference between the number of calories coming from food, and the number of calories that you burn. Many believe that calorie counting is too long and difficult. However, for an approximate calculation of a diet, it is best to still calculate your usual amount of calories. It's easy to do right on the Internet, using any free calculator of calories.

If you usually eat, for example, at 2,000 calories per day, enough to remove from the diet 300-500 calories and add physical activity, as you will notice, that they began to lose weight rapidly.

Consider several suitable menu options that you can use when losing weight with regard to fitness. Each of these menus contains about 1000-1200 calories, which allows you to create a tangible difference in calories and speed up the results.

Option one:

  1. Breakfast : fried eggs from two eggs, light vegetable salad.
  2. Lunch : a portion of any soup, a small slice of bread, an apple.
  3. Snack : half a pack of cottage cheese is not more than 5% fat.
  4. Dinner : stewed chicken breast with vegetables.

Option two:

  1. Breakfast : oatmeal, juice.
  2. Lunch : ragout with beef and vegetables.
  3. Afternoon snack : a glass of yogurt 1% fat.
  4. Dinner : a portion of low-fat cottage cheese with fruit.

Option three:

  1. Breakfast : tea, a slice of cheese, any fruit.
  2. Lunch : Baked fish with rice.
  3. Afternoon snack : boiled egg.
  4. Dinner : stewed cabbage with mushrooms.

Such simple and easy fitness recipes allow you to exclude from the diet simple carbohydrates and excess fat, which will make it much easier to get rid of excess weight. Before going to bed, if you want a snack, drink a glass of low-fat kefir. You can add in it fiber or bran - all this you will find in any pharmacy or in a health food store.

Fitness mode

If you are serious about adjusting your figure, it is important to follow a certain regime. For example, if you eat at the same time, go to bed and wake up equally, and also exercise 3 times a week on a strict schedule, the results from fitness will be much better for you than for those who do not follow such simple rules . Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Make yourself a schedule of the day. Approximately in 8-9 (or how much you are comfortable) - breakfast, at 12-13 - lunch, at 16 - noon, at 19.00 - dinner.
  2. It is important to have dinner no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. If you do not have time, it's better to skip dinner by drinking a couple of glasses of kefir instead (ideally - fat-free or 1% fat).
  3. Teach yourself to sleep for at least 7-8 hours a day. It is proved that people who sleep less than this time simply do not have time to recover, eat more and often experience problems with excess weight than those who sleep well.
  4. At the weekend, do not let yourself lie in bed - it's better to get up as well as on weekdays. Then Monday will be a much more enjoyable day, because the body will not need to rebuild again.

The human body works like a clock, and it is important to properly adjust it. Day regimen, sports and proper nutrition - everything you need for beauty and health!