Labyrinth for children

Any maze is an incredibly interesting and useful game for children. All children, without exception, like to look for the only possible way out of the confusing situation. Of course, sometimes the smallest babies need help from older siblings or moms and dads, but in most cases the kids do their best on their own, if a logical maze game is meant for children of this age.

Playing such entertainment at home is not easy, so many parents resort to various online games, with which you can offer your child absolutely any puzzle. At the same time, today there is a huge number of color and black-and-white labyrinth schemes for children of different ages. In addition, you can always draw an interesting diagram yourself.

In this article, we will tell you what kind of puzzles these are, and also how you can make a development labyrinth for children with your own hands.

Types of labyrinths for children

Puzzles-labyrinths for children come in the following forms:

  1. "Living labyrinths." Typically, this game is a hedge from a variety of trees, bushes and plants, cut in a certain way. The area of ​​such a puzzle can reach 5 hectares, and the length of the courses in it is 5 km. In some cases, the height of the trees exceeds 3 meters, so that, while in the labyrinth, you can not see anything, except for the area directly in front of the face. The most popular "live" labyrinths are located in England, France and Australia and attract hundreds of tourists from all over the world.
  2. Game mazes for children from 2 years. Usually such entertainment can be found in various gaming complexes, however, a smaller copy of such a puzzle can be placed in the apartment. Game labyrinths are very popular with small children, where they can throw out the energy that has accumulated during the day, it is a pleasure to jump on a trampoline, ride from a hill or lie in a dry pool with balls.
  3. Verbal labyrinth "crossword" or "erudite". Such a puzzle is a fairly simple scheme, at the nodes of which the letters are arranged. The task of the players is to try to find a way out of the confusing situation as quickly as possible, collecting letters in words in parallel. In some games, nodal elements are a clue to the passage of the puzzle and disappear as soon as the child "took" the letter to build the word, in others - immediately on the place of the used elements, new ones arise. There are a lot of variants of this puzzle, and it can be played with equal success by either one child or a group of small children of about the same age. Such entertainment contributes to the expansion of the vocabulary and the development of space-shaped thinking. In most cases, these games are designed for younger students.
  4. Finally, the simplest and most popular kind is a logical labyrinth. It can have absolutely any shape, one or more outlets, all kinds of bends and curvatures. Very often such a game can be performed in the form of a coloring. In addition, today there are a huge number of online mazes for children. To find a way out, the child should consider several possible options and choose the only one that is right. Such schemes are not only an interesting and exciting game, but also a useful activity, as they develop logic, imagination and spatial-figurative thinking. It should be borne in mind that some labyrinths can be passed much easier and faster, if you guess them from the end.

Such entertainment can easily be done by yourself, simply by drawing on a sheet of paper, cardboard or paper, a certain scheme. In addition, you can buy a board game "Crazy Labyrinth", with which you can reproduce at home all kinds of logical schemes.