First aid for poisoning

The most dangerous are chemical poisoning. Depending on the type of toxic agent that has got into the body, first aid to the victim turns out differently. It is important to remember that the poisoned person should be shown to the doctor, so the salvation of life should begin with the doctor's call.

General rules

The first medical aid for chemical poisoning depends on the way the toxin enters the body.

  1. If the poison is trapped through the skin, the affected areas should be washed with plenty of water, making sure that it drains off without damaging the body elsewhere. Rinsing is performed for a minimum of 10 minutes. Waiting for the doctors, the victim warmed, give him a sedative.
  2. If the toxin penetrated through the lungs, first aid in poisoning should begin with providing the victim with access to fresh air - take it out to the street or open windows and doors, creating a draft. The patient should check the pulse, if necessary, give artificial respiration. If the poisoned person breathes, it is better to put it in a restorative position (on the stomach, the head is turned to the side). It is necessary to unbutton the restraining movement of clothes, remove traumatic objects and to spread something soft, so that the victim does not get hurt in the event of possible seizures. Give a drink or eat poisoned can not.
  3. If the poison penetrated the digestive tract, first aid in poisoning should begin with the identification of toxin. Before the arrival of a doctor, it is important to try to dilute or remove the poison until it has absorbed. If poisoned in the mind and there is no seizures, then you can give him 1 - 2 glasses of water (preferably mineral) or milk. Drink in small sips. You can try to induce vomiting, for which it is preferable to use Ipecakuanas syrup or mechanical method (pressing the root of the tongue with two fingers). If there are convulsions or loss of consciousness, these actions are contraindicated.

You can not induce vomiting:

First aid for poisoning with ammonia

Poisoned ammonia must be removed from the danger zone, rinse affected skin and mucous membranes (especially the eyes) with water. The victim is given to drink Borjomi or milk, the regime of silence is recommended. With swelling of the larynx or spasm of the glottis, hot foot baths and mustard bags (warm compresses) are shown around the neck. It is useful to inhale vapors of vinegar or citric acid.

First aid for poisoning with pesticides

The victim is vomited, washing the stomach with potassium permanganate (1: 5000), clean water or a solution of dry mustard (2 tablespoons per 200 ml). Then give activated charcoal with water (2 - 3 tablets per half cup) and laxative (20 g salt per 100 ml of water). Do not use oily substances, for example - castor oil.

First aid for poisoning with liquids

Poisoning by vapors of gasoline, kerosene - the victim is taken to fresh air (after that the symptoms quickly wane). It is useful to wash the stomach with potassium permanganate, taking a salt laxative. Effectively hold a cube of ice under your tongue.

When poisoning with turpentine, the stomach is washed with activated charcoal and water. Then the victim is given a jelly or milk. Pain in the abdomen relieves the sucking of ice cubes.

If there was poisoning with acetone, wash the stomach with activated charcoal with water and saline.

First aid for nicotine poisoning

The victim is provided with access to fresh air, activated charcoal is given, then the stomach is washed with manganese (1: 1000). Before a doctor comes, it is useful to drink a few cups of strong tea without sugar, since caffeine is needed to restore the heart.