Children's gynecologist

Regardless of her age, the girl has the same sexual organs as an adult woman, that's why adult problems can arise in childhood. According to experts of gynecology of childhood, 15-25% of girls in pre-school and school institutions suffer from various pathologies. If these violations are not detected and treated in time, reproductive function disorders may occur in childbearing age.

What is the difference between an adult gynecology and an adult?

Diagnosis of any disease in children requires special preparation. Very often, gynecological diseases in the children's body develop secretly, have poorly expressed symptoms, so it can be very difficult to identify them. Only experienced doctors specializing in pediatric and adolescent gynecology will select such a complex of diagnostic studies in which hardly noticeable signs will help to identify the disease. In addition, the children's gynecologist, in addition to professional training in gynecology, should be a good psychologist, because girls, especially teenagers, are afraid for some reason, or shy of the gynecologist and therefore can hide symptoms.

Almost all caring parents are interested in the question of what the children's gynecologist is doing. Usually it is quite easy for a doctor to examine the external genitalia, but if necessary he can also prescribe additional studies (ultrasound, blood and urine analysis).

When is it necessary to have an examination with a pediatric gynecologist?

  1. In newborn girls, when hormonal crises are associated with the intake of female hormones through the mother's milk. Girls are concerned about the following manifestations: enlargement of mammary glands, vaginal discharge.
  2. The most frequent complaint is the inflammatory processes and infections of the vulva and vagina. They are manifested by the reddening of the vulva, burning, intensifying with urination. Untimely detected inflammatory processes can develop into more serious diseases of children's gynecology, in particular, synechia.
  3. Violation of puberty - early growth of mammary glands in 6-7 years and the appearance of hair under the armpits and pubic region, or, conversely, at 13-14 years - the absence of these signs.
  4. Violation of menstruation in adolescent girls, very painful menstruation or profuse menstruation with a lot of blood loss.

On reception at the children's gynecologist

The first examination of the external genitalia is performed in the maternity home by a pediatrician. Then, when entering the school and at the beginning of the puberty period, mandatory examinations of the gynecologist in children and adolescents are organized in schools. Parents have the right to visit the doctor independently with any external development abnormalities or complaints.

On an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist, a girl should come with her mother. Sometimes teenagers want to solve their own problems, including gynecological ones. But in this case, it is better to inform the girl in advance that the gynecologist at detection of diseases or deviations should ask clarifying questions to my mother: adverse effects on the fetus during pregnancy, the presence of birth injuries, the girl's childhood illnesses.

In some cities it is still practiced by a gynecologist in the kindergarten. On this issue, there is ongoing debate. Parents of girls need to know that gynecological examination can not be carried out without prior notification of the parents and their consent.

In conclusion, we can add only one thing, that paraphrasing the wisdom of the people should not only cherish the honor, but also their fragile female health.