Potato garnish

Garnish from potatoes differ in their satiety and simplicity of preparation. The versatility of such garnishes makes them an appropriate addition to both meat and fish or vegetable dishes. How to prepare potatoes for garnish read in our article.

Recipe for a delicious garnish of potatoes



Potatoes are cleaned and cut using a slicer into thin slices (about 1.5 mm). Chees rubbed on the grater and mix, 1/3 of the total quantity is postponed.

We take a thick-walled frying pan and pour olive oil into it. We chop the onion and fry it until it is transparent. When the onion is ready, add chopped garlic and continue cooking for another 30-40 seconds. Mix the onion with sliced ​​potatoes, sour cream and salt. Add 2/3 of cheese to the mixture and put everything in a greased baking dish. The rest of the cheese is distributed over the surface.

Cover the dish with foil and put in a preheated to 160 degree oven for 2 hours. As soon as the potatoes become soft, remove the foil and put the potatoes under the grill for 10-15 minutes. The original garnish from the potato is ready, it can be served immediately, to absolutely any main dishes.

Garnish from potatoes to meat



Potatoes are mine and cleaned of excess dirt with a scraper. We boil potatoes in uniforms for about 20 minutes, or until soft. We pour the water from the pan, and cut the tubers in half and put them on a baking tray. In a small plate mix the melted butter with lemon juice, salt, sliced ​​rosemary and parsley. Pour the resulting mixture of potatoes. We bake the garnish for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

A similar garnish of potatoes can also be prepared in a multivariate. First, boil the tubers, cut and season with the earlier presented scheme, and then fry the potatoes in the "Fry" mode, or "Baking" until ruddy.

Garnish from potatoes to chicken

What can be a more appropriate side dish for chicken dishes than mashed potatoes ? We will offer you one recipe of this garnish, but in a very original form.



Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. We bake the baking tray with baking paper. Potatoes are cleaned, washed and cut into cups. Put the cubes in a saucepan, pour water and boil until soft. Boiled potatoes are kneaded with butter and cream, add egg yolks (one by one, until the last kneading), salt and spices.

We put the finished mashed potatoes in a confectioner's bag with a wide tip. Using a confectioner's bag, we put small portions of mashed potatoes onto the paper and sprinkle them with grated hard cheese. We put the garnish from the potatoes into the oven and turn on the "Grill" mode, if the latter is not there, then choose a temperature of the order of 180-190 degrees and bake the mashed potatoes until a ruddy crust appears.

This garnish does not necessarily apply only to chicken, or meat, it simply can serve as a beautiful alternative to the usual puree, or even be used as a portioned potato snack.