Oily scalp

The problem of oily scalp is one of the most common today. Even dandruff sometimes causes less problems than constantly shiny hair. Especially a lot of trouble for owners of long hair, because to take care of them and without that huge work. Fortunately, it is possible to combat this problem.

Oily scalp: causes

The main cause of this problem is the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. These glands are located at the base of each strand. They release a special fat secretion, which maintains the moisture of the scalp. To provoke the hyperactivity of the glands can the following factors: hormonal changes during the transitional age, pregnancy and menopause, severe stress. Oily scalp can become a seasonal problem during a hot summer or constant high humidity.

How to treat fatty scalp?

It is possible to cope with this problem, but this is not a matter of one day. To fight with increased fat content of the hair can only the system, you can not find a miracle remedy that will solve the problem at a time.

First you need to choose the right shampoo for oily scalp. At first glance, it's very simple: you go to the store and buy products for your hair type. In fact, everything is a little more complicated. Using shampoo for oily scalp can provoke a different problem: overdried hair tips. To eliminate these effects, it is better to apply shampoo only to the roots of the hair. After washing the head, apply balm only to the ends of the hair, otherwise by the evening the hair will again start to shine.

Try to deal with the problem with the help of masks - for example, masks for oily scalp based on egg yolk. The egg yolk contains substances that help fight excessive fat formation. To prepare a mask for oily scalp, combine the egg yolk with one teaspoon of medical alcohol and one spoonful of water. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply a mask on clean hair. Leave the mask for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

After washing your head, rinse your hair with a decoction of the oak bark. In a liter of water, brew 1 tbsp. bark of oak. First bring the water to a boil, and then pour the oak bark into it. Cook the mixture on a small fire for 10-15 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool, strain and rinse hair after washing your head. Repeat the procedure every three days.