Fence from the fence itself

Fence from a fence, wooden, metal or plastic, is a universal, relatively inexpensive and externally attractive structure. Moreover, making it yourself will not be very difficult. In this article, we will just consider how to make a fence from a fence itself.

You can choose one of the material options, as well as determine the required height of the fence. Here we will consider a fence made of a metal Euro fence.

How to build a fence from a fence with your own hands?

Making a fence of a fence with your own hands begins with the preparation of materials and tools. We will need:

First we need to prepare a metal frame, for which we take a profile pipe. In our case, this is a pipe 60x60 mm with a wall thickness of 2 mm.

Cut the pipe into pieces of the right size with the help of a Bulgarian. We need support for the future fence and cross bars.

The next stage we need to establish the basis of the fence, that is, the vertical pillars . To do this, drill in the earth holes with automated drill, insert the profiled pipes and clog them even deeper into the ground. It remains to sprinkle them with rubble and tamp well. Support pillars will stand tightly and without cementing, which, by the way, experts do not recommend to apply.

We check all the bars using the level. If they are installed exactly, proceed to the next stage - we weld to the posts horizontal cross-members, to which, in fact, the shtaketins will be fixed in the future. On this our skeleton is ready.

For the evenness of the crate between the poles, pull the cord at the correct height and check the level with its strict horizontality. This will allow you to mount the flaps evenly and at the same level.

At once we paint a skeleton under color штакетин. Do it conveniently with a narrow roller. The choice of paint depends on your preferences. The main thing is that it will protect the metal from corrosion.

Finally it's time to fasten the stalker directly. For this we need a screwdriver and many screws for the color of the fence. In this case, they are brown. Each strip is fastened with four screws - 2 on the bottom and on top. Periodically apply a level to check the smoothness of the fence.

The distance between the pins can be 5 cm or less - 2-3 cm. This parameter you define for yourself, depending on what you want to get in the end and how transparent your fence should be. Alternatively, you can make a gap between the slats of 8 cm, but fasten them in a staggered order, so that you can achieve the effect of a single fence.

On this, our incredibly decorative fence from the fence is ready with our own hands!

Why the fence?

Advantages of the fence from the fence are many. In addition, that they can be performed from different materials and thereby adjust the fence to any landscape design, they can boast of originality and interesting appearance. Such fences can have any height, clearance distance. You can give them not only any color, but also a variety of shapes.

With initially proper construction and proper subsequent care, such fences serve for a long time, decorating our home territory and protecting it from strangers. And to make such a fence with your own hands, as you have already seen, is not at all difficult. At the same time, you will save on the fence, without attracting expensive professionals to work.