Tripod for fire

If you are attracted by the romanticism of hiking trips or you like to spend the weekend in nature, then for sure you are aware that you will not find the usual pot and stove in the open spaces. I'll have to light a fire and cook in the Kazanka. It is most convenient to place this vessel (like most other tourist dishes ) on a tripod.

What is a tripod for a fire?

A tripod consists of a structure of three (or more) supports, which connects to each other at one point from the top. A small hook hangs from the fastening point on the chain, onto which is then hung a cauldron, a bucket or a kettle. This is one of the most stable designs on which the dishes will not swing. This device also solves the problem of cooking in any conditions - in the forest or in the mountains, in the cold or the heat, the main thing is to have available firewood.

Such a tourist tripod for a fire also has a number of advantages:

  1. Most often it is made of stainless steel, a strong and at the same time sufficient lightweight material, which is very important for hiking.
  2. The tripod does not lend itself to corrosion, which means that precipitation is not terrible for it.
  3. Thanks to the heat-resistant properties of the material, the cooking device at the stake will serve you for a long time.
  4. On a tripod, you can cook in a container of any size - large or small. It is also not difficult to regulate the cooking process, because the cauldron can be lowered or raised in a chain at different heights.

In addition, the foldable tripod for the fire is very compact and mobile - decomposed, it is stored in a case, and if necessary, it is easy to assemble.

How to choose a tripod?

Perhaps the main criterion for choosing this design is material. As already mentioned above, the best option is steel, ideally stainless. There are also cast-iron and forged products, but they are not suitable for a hike because of their heavy weight. But for a summer residence or at home - a good option. To ensure that the tripod has served you for a long time, pay attention to the thickness of the metal. It should not be less than 8-10 mm, otherwise the device will quickly burn out.

Before buying it is recommended to determine the size of the tripod for the fire. You need to orient yourself, of course, to the volumes of cassava in which you intend to cook food. A small tripod with a height of about 75 cm is an excellent choice for a hike in which up to five or seven people participate. For a group of up to 20 tourists, you need a voluminous cauldron and, accordingly, a large tripod with a height of 90 cm and above. By the way, it is convenient, if the tripod is equipped not one, but two hooks. Then, in addition to cooking dishes, you can simultaneously heat the water in the kettle.

How to make a tripod for a fire?

If you have skillful hands, you can make a tripod for a fire with your own hands. To make it is simple, the main thing to be reserved by following materials:

When everything you need is in your hands, you can proceed to production:

  1. The mounting rail must be cut first into three different lengths, one meter each.
  2. Then, each received bar must be divided in half so that you get six slats, 50 cm long each.
  3. Take three of the rails, which will become the top part of the future tripod. At one end of each rail, drill two holes for the wire triangle, which will hold the structure together. So we got a small tripod 50 cm high.
  4. If you need to cook food for a large company and in a large cauldron, increasing the size of the tripod is simple. To the lower ends of the rails, you only need to attach the other three racks by means of nuts and screws. You will get a large tripod with a height of 90-95 cm.
  5. It remains only to attach the chain. The end of the nail is shaped like a loop and we put on one link.

This design is demountable and versatile.