Games at a picnic

Most often a picnic is chosen by a noisy company from several families, often with children. After cooking the most important dish (shish kebab or barbecue), often a simple feast becomes boring. First, the "eternal" themes are discussed, then in the course go the old anecdotes. But over time, the noisy company is getting quieter and that's all already split into pairs or threesomes. Mummies talk about childhood illnesses and the complexities of married life, men complain about the high cost of gasoline, and now the time has come when everyone was bored with sitting around idly.

This picture is very often observed in almost any company. Try changing the script at least once and prepare the games and entertainment at a picnic in advance. It is not necessary to take a pack of cards or a box of dominoes with you. Games on a picnic for adults should be mobile and very fun, because at work during the day we move little, and smile and even less often.

Competitions and games at a picnic can be prepared in advance for children. Very cool, if you prepare for children on a picnic with games and small prizes. It can be small sweets or inflatable balls. Children are very fond of sudden surprises. Be sure to take care of incentive prizes, why do you need extra frustration or tears on your holiday?

What to play at a picnic?

Games at the picnic suggest a constant movement and a cheerful atmosphere. So it's better to thoroughly study the characters and possible reactions of those with whom you are going on a picnic. Here are some picnic games that you can offer for adults:

  1. We break into two teams. Each participant receives a sheet of paper and a pencil. The leader at the end shows a simple drawing. Each participant draws the same on a sheet of paper on the back of the front of the standing one. The task of the team is to "bring" the drawing to the front. The team that wins the most accurate picture from the last to the first wins.
  2. Perfectly cheer all the game, like a snake. All players become one after another and put their right hand on the shoulder of the person in front. So you made a "dragon". The first in the line is the head, and the last is the tail. And now the head is trying to catch the tail.
  3. Hide and Seek. A game without age and at all times. And it can be played in two ways. In the classical version, one person looks for everyone else. And you can do the opposite. One person is hiding, all the others are looking for him.
  4. Jumping in the bag. All the long-known relay race, but not too many people jumped in the bag in fact. It's great if you got to nature with families. You can arrange a family competition.

Children's games for picnic

These are just some of the games on the picnic. Consult among themselves, for sure together you can come up with an interesting and fun leisure for the weekend. Do not forget about your kids. Very often, while adults prepare food or unpack things, children go around and frankly miss. In order to make the children's holiday on a picnic cheerful, think up games for them.

  1. Children are very fond of balloons. Give each of them one by one. The ball must be put on the head and brought to the finish. But it is necessary to observe the important condition: you can not touch the ball with your hands.
  2. You can make another contest with balls. If possible, divide the children into two teams. Give each of them three balls. The goal of the game - to bring all three balls immediately to the finish. The team wins, which managed to make it first.
  3. Divide everyone present into two teams, children and adults alike. The goal of the game is as follows: each team has a spoon, and each player has a potato. You need to transfer this potato to the finish. Children can do this by holding a spoon in their hand. For adults, you can make a task more difficult: you can put your hands in the lock behind your back, and you can carry a spoon with potatoes in your teeth. Children will most likely laugh out loud. Such a relay will just raise the mood for everyone. Potatoes can then be baked solemnly in the ashes.