Diet for hives

Practically every third person had a hives for at least once in his life. How to understand that you are on this list? You can rest assured that if you have the following symptoms: severe itching, blisters characteristic of hives, around which there is a slight reddening of the skin. For someone, urticaria is only a memory of a single case, for someone a constant companion of life, periodically manifesting itself again and again.

The first step is to identify the reasons for which this disease has appeared. These may include an insect bite, medication, dust and animal hair. In this case, it will be an allergic urticaria, and in other cases it is not associated with allergies and is part of a chronic disease. It often accompanies problems with the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine pathologies, etc.

Diet for hives

Only after revealing the reasons it is possible to understand which diet for hives should be made up. As a result, a special schedule is drawn up, according to which products that represent a risk for allergy sufferers are excluded from the diet. Typically, a diet for urticaria suggests the absence of products such as eggs, milk, sweets, smoked products, products containing dyes and preservatives. If the cause is pollen of plants, it is also necessary to exclude some fruits and vegetables from food.

Unfortunately, the experts did not agree on the diet, it is believed that in most cases, urticaria is manifested when eating foods that contain in large quantities such harmful food additives as dyes and preservatives. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the composition indicated on the label and try not to buy goods containing additives with the prefix E.

Diet in allergic urticaria, as a rule, is divided into two types: for acute and chronic urticaria.

The diet for acute urticaria includes vegetables cooked without oil for steaming, low-fat dairy products, some fruits (for example, green apples and bananas). It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in food, avoid fried and smoked dishes, and also have to give up flour products. When the condition begins to improve, you can add to the diet a small amount of meat and fish.

Acute hives can last about 6 weeks, if the period exceeds the specified, the disease is considered as chronic. Most often, according to statistics, it is manifested in young people in the second and fourth decades of life.

Hypoallergenic diet for hives is necessary when it comes to chronic disease. In this case, you will have to abandon any products that can cause re-emergence of urticaria. This list includes most sweets, berries and citrus fruits, honey, nuts, mushrooms, as well as all products containing harmful additives such as carbonated drinks, alcohol, etc.

The diet for urticaria in children is practically the same as for an adult diet and is structured roughly like this: first the diet consists of one type of food, after a couple of days you can add a new product, keeping track of the body's reaction. Thus, it is gradually possible to find out what is the cause of the allergy, since a newly included product in the diet can cause a rash. It is necessary to completely exclude it from food in the future.

We recommend starting a diary and marking in it products that cause allergies and those that are suitable for feeding a patient with urticaria.