What to bring from Amsterdam?

The capital of Holland, Amsterdam, is very popular among tourists. And saying goodbye to her, I want to take with me a piece of memory that will remind me of the journey. And, of course, relatives and relatives will also want to get a small overseas present.

Souvenirs from Amsterdam are quite original. What you can bring from Amsterdam, you will not find in the souvenir shop anywhere else. After all, the capital of the Netherlands is the freest country in terms of legalizing inter-sex relations, as evidenced by very peculiar and frivolous souvenirs. Such a gift will suit a person who is close enough and has a sense of humor.

About what to buy in Amsterdam as a souvenir, you need to think in advance, and then you will not be in a hurry at the last minute to buy the first thing that came up on the arm. For every loved one, you need to choose exactly what will be to his liking and benefit, and not become dusty somewhere in the far corner.

What to buy in Amsterdam for memory?

What can you bring from Amsterdam to those who have their own small garden? Of course, tulips, or rather their bulbs. After all, with the word Holland immediately emerges an association with these beautiful and delicate flowers. Planting material can be bought everywhere from small flower shops to a specialized flower market. The main thing is that the tubers are healthy and do not have traces of rot. For the time of flight, they should be put in luggage to avoid unnecessary red tape at the customs.

And what souvenirs to bring from Amsterdam sweet tooth and gourmets? Undoubtedly, these are chocolate statuettes in the form of mills and the famous Dutch cheese, of which there are a great many varieties. The city has a huge number of shops that specialize specifically for cheese. Here you can taste any and buy what you like. The main thing that the integrity of the shell was not compromised. The most popular among the tourists are "Edam" and "Gouda".

What souvenirs to bring from Amsterdam, to decorate their home? The best are the clobs. This is the traditional footwear of Dutch peasants, which even continues to be used in some areas of Holland. You can buy shoes in full size, picking yourself in size. And you can buy a purely decorative in the form of a keychain for keys or a magnet on the refrigerator. So small souvenir will be happy and adults and children, and they are not expensive, compared to wooden shoes of real size.