Cream for facial hair removal

Hair on the face is a cosmetic problem that can cause a lot of trouble for a woman. Moreover, because the skin in this area is thin and sensitive, the methods that can be applied to hair removal in general, for the face are rather limited.

Application of a cream for facial hair removal

Use to remove unwanted facial hair special cream - depilatory has both a number of serious advantages and disadvantages:

  1. The cream removes only that part of the hair that is above the surface of the skin, without affecting the hair follicle, because its short-term effect and hairs quickly grow. Forever, and even for a long time, it is impossible to remove facial hair with the help of a cream.
  2. When using the cream, the growing hairs can be darker, but at the same time become thinner.
  3. When using the cream, there is no ingrown hairs in the skin, which is possible with shaving, and the probability of irritation directly at the hair growth site is less. However, hair remover creams are potent enough chemicals and can themselves cause skin irritation and even burns on the face.

Stamps of facial hair removal creams

Eveline Facial Depilment Cream

This company has a large range of products for hair removal. Suitable for use on the face are the means 9 in 1, and 3 in 1 with aloe vera. Means are considered soft, with a pleasant smell and low cost, but cases of allergy are possible.

Avon Face Cream

At the given firm the product is specially intended for use on a skin of the face and is issued in small (15 ml) tubes. This cream for facial hair removal is considered to be quite effective, but it has a sharp odor and often causes irritation.

Depilatory cream from Veet

Enough aggressive means, often causing irritation, although the effect of them holds a little longer than other creams.

Sally Hansen Creme Hair Remover Kit

Also a specialized face care product, usually sold in a set of depilatory cream and care cream, which is applied after the procedure. The product is soft enough, almost non-irritating, but expensive.

Facial Depilating Cream Byly

Produced in boxes, each containing five bags of cream, which is convenient to use. It is considered relatively sparing and at the same time inexpensive means.