Shampoo Friederm Zinc

Despite the fact that almost all manufacturers of cosmetics for hair distribute promises to defeat dandruff, in fact the situation is not so rosy. If you have tried half the shelf with shampoos in the supermarket, and on your shoulders are still snow flakes, it's time to move on to serious artillery - medical, not cosmetic. Shampoo Friederm Zinc is the main contender for the title of the best medical shampoo for dandruff and fungal lesions of the scalp.

Composition and features of use of Friederm Zinc

First of all, Friederm Zinc shampoo is for oily hair. It is the increased activity of the sebaceous glands that most often provokes dandruff, hair loss and various kinds of dermatitis. Due to the fact that the main active ingredient of the product, zinc, reduces the production of sebum and prevents excessive sweating, the normal level of the head skin pH is restored, and this is already half the success. Zinc also has other advantages:

For 150 ml of the total shampoo volume, 20 mg of zinc perithione suspension is required, that is, the agent can be considered potent. Also in the composition of auxiliary substances responsible for the detergent properties of the shampoo and its ability to foam. The drug does not contain dyes, preservatives and artificial fragrances, and therefore does not harm the health of the hair. Here are the main indications for the application of Friederm Zinc:

Also shampoo prevents fragility of hair and stops their loss.

The usual scheme of use involves the use of shampoo 1-2 times a week for a long period. The effect appears almost immediately, but for a complete cure the course should last no less than 5-8 weeks. For preventive purposes shampoo can be applied every 2 weeks, alternating with conventional cosmetics for washing your head.

Shampoo should be applied to damp hair, foamed and thoroughly rinsed with water. At this stage, its main function is to remove sebum and dirt from the hair and scalp. Then Friederm Zinc should be applied to the hair again. The product should be rubbed into the skin and roots of hair 3-5 minutes, then add a little more water, foaming and leave to act for 5-7 minutes, as a therapeutic mask. At this stage, the medicinal properties of the shampoo appear. At the end of the required period, the head and hair are washed under running water for 3-5 minutes to completely remove the remnants of the product.

Analogues of shampoo Friederm Zinc

Find a decent analogue Friederm Zink is not easy. The fact that zinc is part of several dermatological products, but most of them are available in the form of pastes and cream. It is for washing the head that only Zinc shampoo from Librederm, which is also sold in pharmacies, is intended. This is the closest analogue to Friedermu. Nevertheless, there are quite a few shampoos that are approaching this remedy by the curative effect:

The last remedy I want to mention separately. Dry-Drye first appeared on the market with a product against excessive sweating - deodorant-antiperspirant with zinc in the composition. The shampoo company began to release a little later. Its main feature is the presence in the special antifungal component Dermosoft decalact, which is effective against mycobacteria of various types and is not addictive, unlike other similar drugs.