Is it possible to breast milk?

During breastfeeding, the mother must eat properly, because all the foods that she eats, immediately fall into the body crumbs. Some of them can cause the newborn to have the strongest allergic reactions, which means that they should be eaten with great care.

In this article, we will talk about whether it is possible to breastfeed mother to drink milk, and in what quantities.

Can I breast-feed my mother's milk?

Cow's milk is a rather dangerous product for a newborn baby. It consists of proteins that the immature digestive system of the baby is not able to digest. Some doctors forbid giving cow's milk to a child up to three years of age.

Meanwhile, this does not mean that you can not use milk and breastfeeding mothers. After all, proteins, passing through the digestive tract of an adult woman, are transformed, and the kid gets completely different components.

Usually breast-feeding mummy is allowed to consume one glass of cow's milk per day, however, it is necessary to carefully note any reaction of the baby. In case of allergic rash or redness, milk should be abstained for some time to check if it is the allergen.

Can a woman who feeds drink goat's milk?

Goat milk can not only be drunk, but it is necessary. It is the product closest in composition to breast milk, and the content of nutrients and minerals in it is incredibly high. In addition, goat's milk is famous for its hypoallergenic properties, which means it is as safe as possible for the baby's health.

However, not all people are able to drink goat's milk, because it has a very specific taste and smell, and, moreover, very expensive.

Also, many nursing mothers are wondering whether they can eat baked or condensed milk. Dried milk, if desired, can be drunk in not very large quantities, after checking the reaction of the baby. Condensed milk is not worth eating, because it contains a huge amount of sugar, which will enter the still immature body of crumbs, along with the mother's milk.