Wooden boxes for vegetables

In the harvest season, the issue of storing vegetables and fruits is especially urgent. The modern market provides all kinds of containers for transportation and saving of products of vegetable origin. The most popular for many decades are wooden boxes for storing vegetables.

Advantages of vegetable wooden boxes

Vegetables can be stored in anything - in buckets, in old baths, in any improvised containers. But often such different kinds of devices only occupy a useful area in a cellar or a warehouse, as well as storing vegetables in heaps. Advantages of wooden containers in front of other storage methods is obvious:

  1. Due to its ecological compatibility, the boxes do not affect the quality of the products stored in them. In addition, wood - a natural, and therefore affordable and inexpensive material, in contrast to plastic containers.
  2. Since the wooden boxes for vegetables are very strong, they can be used not only for storage, but also for transporting the harvested crop. Many of them are equipped with a special bar on both sides, for which it is convenient to take when carrying.
  3. Installing boxes on each other stacks, significantly save space in the room, releasing the necessary square meters.
  4. Boxes stored in cellars, treated with a special non-toxic impregnation can serve as faith and truth for years, despite the high humidity of the premises.
  5. Since wooden boxes for vegetables have a sufficient distance between the boards, it is easy to follow the state of the goods stored in them during the entire saving season. In addition, these holes - excellent ventilation for vegetables and root vegetables.

Dimensions of wooden boxes are very different - it all depends on the purpose of their use. So, in large warehouses large tanks are used, which can only be transported by a loader, because the box has a length of 1200 mm, a width of 900 mm, and a height of 800 mm.

In private farms, the size of the storage containers is half as large. If the boxes are used for harvesting and transportation, a small size should be chosen to facilitate their carrying, 500 mm in length and width will suffice, and the height should be no more than 300 mm.