Built-in light fixtures in plasterboard ceiling

More recently, multi-level gypsum plaster ceilings have been incredibly popular. Today, there are still adherents of this design, although there are fewer of them, since more modern technologies for arranging rooms have appeared. As for modern lighting, the built-in point lights are very relevant. What they are, what is their advantage and what are their features, let's talk about this article.

Design of recessed luminaires for plasterboard ceiling

You should know that the issue of installing a lighting system for gypsum plasterboard ceilings should be at the stage of the ceiling design.

First, above the wireframe system, you need to lay electrical wiring, bring it to the place of future fixing of each lamp. Then in the plasterboard sheets it is necessary to make holes for the further installation of the fixtures.

Kinds of the built in fixtures in a ceiling from gypsum cardboard

You can name two main types of such fixtures - these are spotlights and LED strips. Let's talk about each of them in some detail.

  1. Built-in spotlights for gypsum board ceilings play a decisive role in choosing the shape of suspended ceilings. It is on the way of their placement that the entire design of the ceiling is built.
  2. With the help of such lamps you can visually divide the room into separate zones: one of them shine brightly, the other - more muffled. The lighting becomes more pliable and flexible due to the inclusion system, which controls a lot of luminaires on your ceiling.

    In this case, the fixtures can be of two subspecies: rotary and non-rotating. With swivel, you can change the angle of light emanating, directing it to the right place. Non-rotating ones are fixed rigidly, and you can not change the direction of lighting.

  3. Built-in LED lamps for gypsum board ceilings allow achieving a very beautiful design. They were and remain a very popular solution for lighting ceilings. LEDs are also good because they have a long service life, as well as various color-dynamic effects. It can be as smooth illumination of a ceiling, and alternating shades, a running wave and even color music.
  4. The ceiling with such lights seems to glow from the inside, and to achieve the best result, you need to place the LED strip at a distance of 15 cm from the surface of the first level.

In order to get this or that light effect, you need to purchase multi-color RGB-tapes with a programmable controller.