Breastfeeding bra

A beautiful and smart breasts are a dream not only for any man, but for every woman. Women who aim at their goal lead a real struggle for the beauty of one of the most revealing parts of their body. Unfortunately, the most severe fighting in the decollete area should be undertaken during the most beautiful periods of their life - during pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. In the struggle for an ideal breast, all the methods are good: gymnastics for the muscles of the chest, means to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, a properly selected special bra for feeding ... Actually, the latest accessory of the female wardrobe, vital for maintaining the elasticity and maintaining the shape of the breast in conditions of constantly staying and decreasing " milk rivers ", we will talk in our article.

A bit about functionality: design is a guarantee of comfort

The breast of a nursing mother, which has changed significantly over a short period of time, becomes more sensitive and heavier with every tidal milk, therefore, special support is absolutely necessary to prevent a decrease in her tone, sagging, stretch marks and retaining her former elasticity. It is the main function of the bra for feeding. Its elastic cups are adjusted to the constantly different fullness of the breast of a young mother, and several positions on the bra braces fix the necessary volume of the changing circumference of the breast during the feeding period. By the way, if suddenly your proportions have increased a little, the cup still fits, and the volume has become too small, then the optimal solution in this case is to purchase a special bra in the clothes shops, which looks like an insert with several rows of loops.

The correct design of the bra, in addition to supporting, maintaining the appearance and shape of the breast, getting rid of the pain when "wearing" it in a filled state, the hygiene of the body during the flow of breast milk, especially during the first months of feeding, the even distribution of the load on the spine, comfortable "feeding of the baby in the so-called" field conditions ". Comfort depends, first of all, on the speed and convenience of unfastening the special cups-valves of the bra. They should be opened and closed with one hand quickly, quietly and simply. The fastening mechanism can be in the form of a small plastic hook-latch or with a zipper.

Important for the convenience of feeding is the neckline of the calyx: the exposure of the entire breast, unlike the exposure of the solely the nipple, will not only feed the crumb without wetting the bra, but will provide the psychological contact necessary for the development of the baby with the mother on the principle of "skin to skin." Such valves help in the prevention of microcracks, which are the cause of infection with lactostasis and mastitis. In order to avoid such "troubles" that obscure maternity, it is enough just to bare the breast by unfastening the cups and take "air baths" within 10-15 minutes after each feeding.

We hope that after all the above functions, you have no doubt as to whether a brassiere is needed for feeding.

How to choose a nursing bra?

So, choosing this attribute of lingerie, you need to be guided by the following principles:

  1. Main quality. Of course, 100% cotton, as the material from which the bra is sewn, is an excellent choice in terms of its "breathing" ability, hypoallergenic, tactile sensations, and prices. But such bras, as a rule, at a high degree of their operation, very quickly stretch, in connection with which, their basic functionality is violated. Therefore, the purchase of products that contain microfiber, polyamide or other synthetic materials is a good help in nature, as they, in addition to their characteristics, are more practical in wearing and much more attractive in appearance.
  2. The inner side of the cup should be seamless, soft, and best of all from natural fabrics. For example, very uncomfortable because of the irritation of the breast can be wearing a bra with a sealing synthetic bake from the inside.
  3. The volume of the cup should be sufficient both for the changing breast during the day, and for the absorbent or milk-collecting inserts inserted into the nursing brassiere. The presence of a special pocket for fixing them is only a plus of such a bra. Try to avoid synthetic and waterproof fabric pads, due to the fact that they do not pass air, but only serve as a base for the reproduction of bacteria.
  4. For a normal flow of milk and better circulation, the bra should not squeeze the chest, but only lift it high. To this end, it must have a fairly wide base and wide adjustable straps.
  5. To a bra for feeding on bones - special requirements. Remember that hard metal bones can disrupt the blood flow and lead to lactostasis or outflow of milk. But as the application of pits in bras to feed large sizes is inevitable, to maintain and fix the large breast they must be flexible and soft.
  6. The bra for night feeding can be in the form of a seamless bodice top that provides the necessary support of the breast even during sleep and has detachable cups for the convenience of night feeding.

How to choose a bra for feeding - now the question is clear.

When to buy a nursing bra?

Buying a bra for feeding, its size should be chosen, usually one size larger than what was in 36-38 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, it must be purchased. It is believed that then the breast is already "enough", and adding one size with allowance for the stretching of the cups will be enough for the "nursing" breast. But this indicator is unique for every future mother. The optimal number of bras for a nursing mother with their regular wear, including at night - 2-3 pieces.

And at last it remains only to wish you a comfortable feeding and a beautiful tightened chest after it!