How to knock down the temperature of a nursing mother?

High temperature is always a very alarming signal, and she says that the body is struggling with inflammation, infection or a virus in the body. Everyone knows that before taking any medications, you need to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the ailment. Especially this rule applies to women who are breastfeeding, pregnant and children. However, if the hospital does not work, then how to knock down the temperature to the nursing mother, so as not to harm the baby, the doctors will prompt.

Why does the temperature occur?

The most common causes of temperature in nursing mothers are: ARVI, milk retention in the mammary glands (lactostasis) or lactational mastitis, various infections and viruses. If the fair sex with the breast is all right and there are no signs of a cold, then perhaps this is something serious, and for this, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

How to knock down the temperature of a breastfeeding woman in ARVI?

The safest means for a situation where it is necessary to lower the temperature are paracetamol or ibuprofen. These active ingredients are found in many medicinal products, but rectal suppositories or children's syrups, such as Nurofen or Ibuprofen, are considered the least harmful. As for paracetamol, it is recommended to take it in tablets, and not in tea, because the latter are prohibited when lactating.

The more you can knock down the temperature of the nursing mother for colds - this is an abundant drink based on dog rose, honey and raspberries. Just want to pay attention to the fact that honey is a strong allergen and should be used very carefully. To make tea, you need to grind 10 dried wild rose berries, mix them with a handful of raspberries (can be frozen or dried) and a tablespoon of honey. Then put everything in the thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. This drink is recommended to drink during the day, dividing it into small portions, if desired, adding sugar.

How to knock down the temperature of a nursing mother during lactostasis or stagnation of milk?

The only correct solution for lowering the temperature in a woman who is breastfeeding is emptying the milk from the inflamed breast. Several methods are used for this:

Other means, how to bring down the temperature with lactational mastitis to the nursing mother and avoid further inflammation, does not exist. If a woman has a very high fever, then it is recommended to drink an antipyretic drug, but this will not be an alternative in the treatment of lactostasis. Do not forget that if you can not express the milk yourself, then it is necessary to go urgently to the hospital.

Folk remedies can bring down the temperature of the nursing mother as when applying to the breast after decapitation of cabbage leaves, and rubbing the honey glands into the skin. These funds will help cope with the inflammatory process and relieve the pain.

So, at the raised temperature, especially when it is a question of feeding mummy, consultation of the doctor is desirable, since. taking antipyretics and certain methods of traditional medicine can be unsafe, especially for the child.