Constipation in a nursing mother

Constipation is a fairly common problem that women face after giving birth. Initially, a young mother, in the hectic new responsibilities, may not even notice the appearance of the disease. But over time, the problem is aggravated and brings a lot of unpleasant sensations to the woman.

Symptoms of constipation and the causes of its appearance after childbirth

Usually constipation is manifested by the following unpleasant symptoms:

Constipation in a nursing mother can be caused by her diet, when, because of fear of harming the baby, she refuses many foods that promote normal bowel function. Everyone knows about the fear of women eating fresh fruits and vegetables during breastfeeding, which can provoke constipation.

In addition, the most common causes of constipation in a nursing mother are:

As you can see, there are quite a lot of reasons for constipation in women during lactation. However, determining the source of the disease helps to effectively combat it.

Methods of treatment of constipation in women with breastfeeding a child

The main thing that needs to be paid attention is the nutrition of the nursing mother with constipation. It is the change in the diet of the young mother that is the most effective means of combating this disease. Depending on the causes of the onset, there are the following methods of treating constipation during lactation:

  1. Power . The diet of a nursing mother with constipation should include fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. Such are carrots, beets, pumpkin, plums, watermelon, apricot. Naturally, you can not immediately attack these products and absorb them in incredible quantities. This mother will only harm herself and the child. It is necessary to gradually introduce into your diet fresh fruits and vegetables, watching the reaction of the baby. A good laxative effect is also oatmeal, bread with bran, dried fruit, sunflower oil, kiwi.
  2. Movement . If the constipation in a nursing mother is caused by the stagnation of stool in the intestine, it is necessary to walk as much as possible in the fresh air, actively move and sit less during the day. Movement contributes to improving the working capacity of the intestine and crushing of fecal congestion in the rectum. In addition, you need to drink at least two liters of water a day.
  3. Suppositories . A good remedy for constipation for nursing mums are rectal suppositories. Glycerin suppositories from constipation can be used for lactation, they are a fairly effective tool for birth gaps and the woman's inability to strain the pelvic muscles. Candles are contraindicated for exacerbation of hemorrhoids, fissures and tumors of the rectum. In any case, before using them, consult a physician.

A woman, whose prone to constipation manifested during pregnancy, must take preventive measures in advance. From the first days after childbirth it is necessary to observe a diet of a nursing mother, which is effective for constipation, and in small doses to introduce fresh vegetables and fruits. This will prevent the aggravation of the disease and calmly enjoy motherhood.