Why does a person talk in a dream?

Dream - a reflection of our everyday life, thoughts, dreams, hopes and fears. The lyrical side of sleep was considered in great detail by Nietzsche in his incorruptible work "So Spoke Zarathustra."

Why a person talks in a dream: the main reasons

There is unofficial statistics that every twentieth person has a habit of talking in a dream, and it's good if these dreams bring creative fruits, the writer - a new story, the philosopher - talks about the great with Socrates, Tesla and so on. However, if this circumstance tortures a person, especially if it irritates loved ones, then further, we will tell in detail how to stop talking in a dream.

Incidentally, this behavior at night, of course, is not a disease, however, this deviation from the norm, and in medicine has its name - somnilokvii. What is even more surprising, one of the reasons that a person talks in a dream is heredity, that is, this property is reflected in the level of DNA.

Scientists also adhere to the version that if a person talks in a dream, it means that earlier he had experienced a strong stressful situation, not necessarily negatively colored. It can be strong positive emotions .

Scientific explanation

Scientific night sleep is explained by the fact that excitement, received during the whole day or for a long time, reflects on the centers in the cerebral cortex, which are responsible for the functions of speech, and as a consequence - conversations in a dream.

Sleep is divided into several phases, the most productive for monologues is a superficial slow sleep. Sometimes this behavior goes into sleepwalking. Typically, this happens in the phase of fast sleep, then the words are added gestures, steps, open eyes. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the line where a person sleeps, and where he is in full consciousness.

To talk in a dream is normal?

Human actions, which belong mainly to the dark time of the day, do not bear the character of pathology, if the person experiences harmony, a calm emotional background, a good disposition of the spirit. The only problem in this situation is a neighbor on the bed, or rather the discomfort that he creates to others.

In order not to talk during sleep, adjust the situation in your head, heart, at home - create a cozy atmosphere, take a soothing bath, read good literature. Let it is better to carry away in the country of fairy tales and magic not a wave of cheap reading about murder, but a classic of world art. It is not recommended to watch bloody movies.

You should close your eyes and relax, in the evening give up fatty, dense food. Give priority to green salads, light cottage cheese or fruit. And the main rule - to walk before bed, breathe clean air.

Conversations in a dream and diseases

About why you talk at night in a dream, we decided, it remains to talk about serious manifestations of amusing dissonance and ways to combat this phenomenon.

In the event that conversations in a dream are intertwined with such neurological diseases, as enuresis, gnashing of teeth, regular nightmares, leading up to the streams of tears, gasps - it's time to undergo an examination with a neurologist. Most likely, a person will be offered drugs nootropic or metabolic action, which improve cerebral circulation, make sleep more calm.

It is necessary to listen to the doctor's instructions, take prescribed medications, try not to be nervous, because psychosomatic illnesses lead to much more serious consequences than the language unleashed in sleep.

As for F. Nietzsche, whose book was discussed earlier, the philosopher associated a bad quality dream with a lack of work and unsatisfactory activity.