Pangs of conscience

Pangs of conscience are a painful sense of mental discomfort that a person feels about his misdeeds. According to one version, conscience is brought up in childhood: when the child's right actions are praised, and for the wrong ones - they are punished. As a result, a feeling of waiting for punishment for bad deeds and even thoughts, the so-called tortures of conscience, remains for a lifetime. According to another version, conscience is a tool that measures the true measure of things. This is what makes a person like him with higher powers. For righteous deeds and thoughts, this tool awards on a scale of satisfaction, for unrighteous deeds of a man torments his conscience.

Why does a person need conscience?

This question is visited by a person in cases where conscience is on the way to the desired goals. When it seems that it is worth crossing over the conscience, and life will improve. Or in another situation: when the goals are achieved, the desired is received, and the voice of conscience tortures, without ceasing.

Conscience is formed in every new little man in accordance with the norms of the society in which he was born. It allows people to live collectively, interact and develop. The lack of conscience would remove all the factors holding back instincts, and human life would turn into survival. After all, what does it mean to live according to conscience? These are the same main commandments: not to kill, not to steal, not to want someone else and so on. If everyone adheres to these values ​​- we live together and develop. If we expect everyone from murder, violence, theft - we live only for the sake of defense or attack first. For the benefit of the whole society - that's why a person has a conscience. And for personal development, which is also important.

What to do when the conscience torments?

Of course, not all conscience concerns are so global. It often happens that a solid person is tormented by conscience for the misdeeds of youth. Or a person developed spiritually throughout his life, and over time his morality became more principled, and the pains of conscience for past affairs acquired an unbearable burden.

There are several tips on how to get rid of remorse.

  1. Do not run away from these feelings, do not jam them in yourself. Arrange a personal meeting in a comfortable environment, figure out who and what is losing peace of mind. Sometimes misconduct can be an acceptable mistake, which helped to understand important things for yourself.
  2. To overestimate from the height of life experience their attitudes: perhaps it hurts the irrelevant more morality. Some things are reinterpreted throughout life, the rules become a personal achievement, not a reflex from childhood. In the end, why should a man have a conscience, if not for a constant stimulus to self-improvement?
  3. The most effective way is repentance and redemption. And it's not about church ordinances. Sometimes a person struggles for years with an inner sense of guilt, justified by circumstances, does not recognize his own guilt. At some point, his strength in this confrontation ends. And the thought comes - I am guilty and in fact it is my fault, not the circumstances not surrounding people. After that, it remains only to find a way to correct your deed. Sometimes it is impossible in the literal sense, but the voice of conscience will tell you the way out.

A calm conscience is a twofold concept. On the one hand, it's nice to go to bed without feeling the pain of conscience. It is a bright existence, not burdened by a burden of guilt. For this it is only necessary to act conscientiously.

On the other hand, as the movement of the heart is necessary for life, so the voice of conscience is necessary for spiritual growth. It can be called in different ways: the inner voice, the sixth sense, the hints of the guardian angel. The bottom line is that conscience is on guard of the morality of man. And from this point of view, living according to conscience means that you need to act, make mistakes, learn from mistakes and live on.