Autotraining with depression

Depression is a vision of the world in gray tones, and in fact the world in itself is neither good nor bad. This we must paint it. Autotraining helps to beautify the world in bright, cheerful colors with the help of self-suggestion of positive attitudes.

Considering that during nervous exhaustion, decline of spirit, stress, the only way out is to change your vision of the world, auto-training is considered one of the best means for depression , besides, a person can master this technique himself and practice, improving, all his life.

Principles of auto-training

There is a very good comparison of your consciousness under the influence of auto-training and management of emotions. Imagine that in the yard put asphalt. Asphalt is inherently solid, however, it is now hot and soft. You can leave a trace from the sole in it, you can lay out the pattern with pebbles. The same thing happens with your mind during the two phases of the training:

  1. The first phase is self-training for relaxation. Your mind becomes soft and receptive to change.
  2. The second phase is autosuggestion. You spread the pattern on the asphalt, which will subsequently solidify. In practice, it looks like pronouncing special formulas of auto-training that your brain perceives as settings

Carrying out of auto-training

Autotraining can be useful not only during depression and various mental disorders, it is also applicable in everyday life of each of us for raising morale, cheerfulness, optimism. For example, the most useful auto-training for women is the daily utterance of compliments to oneself. Such things increase self-esteem , attractiveness, sexuality. Also, auto-training can be used to rejuvenate, or get rid of bad habits.


An integral part of auto-training is positive attitude. They should be short and extremely unambiguous, with no "no" particles. For example: instead of talking "I'm not sick", you should say "I'm healthy".


But, first of all, auto-training influences calmness and steadiness. For example, if you are in a stressful situation, where you just want to gnaw from the fury of your interlocutor, you can say to yourself "Dissolve!" Or "End!"

Autotraining is conducted in a relaxed state of mind and body. The training begins with saying that you are "relaxed", then, from the toes to the very top, relax one part of the body - "my fingers are relaxed" (and feel instant relaxation), "my feet are relaxed," "my calves are relaxed " etc.