What is hypocrisy and why are people hypocritical?

When a man with such character traits appears in the work collective, everyone tries to keep from him as far as possible. It is unlikely that a hypocrite can have real friends, because no one ever knows what you can expect from such a person. Now we propose to understand what hypocrisy is and what it means to be hypocritical.

Hypocrisy - what is this?

Each of us has his own concepts of what is hypocrisy and what is good, and what is immoral. Such a quality as human hypocrisy is one of the worst in all religions and cultures. Hypocrisy is usually called a negative moral quality, consisting in committing immoral acts for anti-human purposes and selfish interests. In such situations, a person can say one thing and do something completely different. From a hypocrite you never know what to expect, because such people are often unpredictable for others.

Hypocrisy - Psychology

Before judging someone for his behavior, it is important to understand and understand why a person acts in one way or another. Perhaps he has his own reasons for immoral acts. Although there is no need to justify such actions. Such immoral behavior has its own reasons. Psychology knows why people are hypocritical:

  1. Fear . He often becomes the cause of hypocrisy, because it forces a person to adapt to life and hypocrisy.
  2. The desire of a person to appear to others is better than he is in reality . Such people rarely show personal opinion. Their own judgments they want to please someone.
  3. Not quite formed outlook on life . It happens that a person does not yet have certain life principles, and he does not know what he wants. For this reason, he has to be hypocritical.

Who is a hypocrite?

Many know how hypocrisy is in modern society. People with such moral qualities can often change their own life views and attitudes depending on the benefits. Such a concept as hypocrisy has many synonyms - it is deceit, dvuhdushie, duplicity, krivodushie and pretense. It is interesting that the very concept of hypocrisy comes from the word "actor". The hypocrite seems to wear a "mask" when he is in a certain situation. Such people seek profit for themselves always and in everything, even if they do not need it at all.

Is the hypocrite good or bad?

The answer to the question, hypocrisy - is good or bad, unambiguous - it's bad. If you want, you can find a lot of excuses for this behavior. All people periodically depending on the situation - it is peculiar to change their behavior, speaking with one roughly, and with others gently. However, hypocrisy forces people to wear "masks" and do only what they need in this situation. You can talk about the fact that such people betray themselves. I do not like living with a constant sense of duplicity. In the soul, every person would like to be himself and not try on other people's roles.

Hypocrisy - signs

When you say one thing to your face, and whisper behind your back, it is unlikely that such behavior can be called favorable. To understand that a person is hypocritical is not so difficult. For this it is important to know the main signs of impartial behavior in society:

  1. Falsity . So if a person has been caught more than once in a deception, then one can be sure that he is a real hypocrite, from which one must keep as far as possible.
  2. Inability or unwillingness to fulfill their promises . When a person can not keep his word, then by this behavior he substitutes the one who believed him, trusted. Sometimes there are situations in which it is not easy to fulfill the promised, but in many cases a hypocrite can not keep his word because of laziness or his own duplicity.
  3. Perfidy . When a person consciously wants to deceive someone, then he commits a treacherous act. Such people are often called traitors, because they failed to remain true to their vows and deeds.
  4. Hypocrisy and pretense . Hypocritical people often want to seem better than they really are. Thus, such personalities pretend and deceive others.

Hypocrisy and duplicity

Often we ask ourselves what is hypocrisy in our life and how it differs from duplicity. These two qualities are negative and at the same time contrary to honesty, sincerity and frankness. However, there are differences between them. Duplicity has a defensive character and is often considered a shelter from troubles. As for hypocrisy, it means a desire to benefit from a particular situation and put oneself above others.

Hypocrisy and hypocrisy

In no collective do they accept those who can be called a hypocrite and a hypocrite. From such people all want to stay as far as possible. The concepts of hypocrisy and hypocrisy are equally immoral and negative in every human society. However, they have many differences. By hypocrisy they understand covert insincerity, malice, sincerity and virtue behavior. Hanness is such a form of piety and piety, expressed in a demonstrative denial of immorality.

Hypocrisy - how to fight

Everyone knows that hypocrisy is a vice and it is necessary to fight it. That is, leave everything as is and continue to live like this and can not continue. However, even if desired, the owner of this quality is not able to do anything for the changes. To get rid of this negative quality you need:

  1. Control your own actions and words . It is necessary to analyze all actions and at the same time not to allow lies.
  2. To remain honest always and in everything . It must be understood that hypocrisy is a manifestation of momentary weakness. His position is one of the important differences between a strong person .
  3. Increase self-esteem . If a person is sure of his rightness, then he can never be hypocritical. For him, this behavior will be unacceptable.

Hypocrisy in Christianity

It can be unequivocally said that in Orthodox Christianity, hypocrisy is a sin. "The basis of hypocrisy lies, and the father of lies is the devil" - so it is said about hypocrisy in the Bible. At the same time, it does not matter whether the state, labor collective or family. No community can stand if it is divided inside, because separation is a violation of the integrity and strength of such a community. For this reason, one can confidently say that for all Orthodox Christians such behavior is unacceptable.