Pillow for breastfeeding

A pillow for feeding a baby is a very useful and practical thing, but does everyone need it ?.

Do I need a pillow for feeding the baby?

Is this a miracle invention called a pillow for feeding? Is it possible to do without it? The question, of course, is controversial. Someone will say: "Why spend money, take an ordinary pillow, fold it in half and you will have an excellent pillow for feeding." The statement is not entirely correct, let's see why.

The pillow for feeding an infant is most often in the form of a horseshoe (U-shaped), boomerang (C-shaped) or pipe (I-shaped). She gently "snaps" the waist of the woman, which allows:

It is unlikely that all the above tasks will cope with the usual pillow.

Of course, you can do without such a miracle cushion. Many mothers do so, sit hunched for 30-60 minutes, with numb hands patiently "listen" to the pain in the back, waiting for when this little "glutton" is eaten. So it should not be. The pillow for feeding the baby is designed to make this feeding equally enjoyable for both the baby and the mother.

The overwhelming majority of mothers who own such an invention confirm that the pillow for feeding an infant is a very convenient and useful device.

How to choose a pillow for feeding?

To fill the pillow for feeding the child most often use holofayber - synthetic fluff (sintepuh). Some manufacturers fill their products with foam polystyrene balls (such products have obvious advantages), komfareliyu, sinteponom, faybertekom and even buckwheat husks. The type of filler determines the price of the pillow and its "behavior" in operation. When choosing a pillow for feeding newborns, you need to consider:

Pay attention to the height and hardness of the product, "try it on" right in the store. Too low or too hard pillow will be uncomfortable during feeding, the child will simply not reach to the breast (especially if the mother has a small breast) or to roll off the pillow.

How to use a pillow for feeding?

To understand how to use a pillow for feeding newborns special instructions are usually not needed. Most often the child is fed in a classical way. The cushion is put on the waist in such a way that its wide part is located in the center, in front of the mother's stomach. The child is placed on the barrel or back against the nipple, applied to the chest, if necessary, hold the head. You can also use other postures for feeding (from under the mouse, lying down), change the angles of the attachment.

A pillow for feeding a child can also be used successfully not for its intended purpose: