The pubertal period

Your child has already grown out of diapers and has become quite adult and independent. He no longer needs your continuous attention and control, the student can quite self-occupy himself - watching cartoons, reading, computer games. Do you think that it's time to relax and enjoy life, because before the teenage problems for at least another couple of years? You must be disappointed, most likely, you are mistaken. It is likely that soon the baby will surprise you with reactive changes in appearance and character, which will mark the beginning of a complex and responsible pubertal period. The fact is that over the last 10-20 years, the age frames of this period have shifted significantly towards an earlier beginning.

Peculiarities of pubertal period

The pubertal period is the age interval for which the restructuring of the organism is characteristic, significant changes in the physiological, hormonal and psychological character. The period ends with the onset of sexual maturity and the organism's readiness for reproduction. The development of a person during the pubertal period makes a significant leap, the adolescent changes externally and significantly adds to growth.

But the most important thing that should be paid attention in the puberty period is psychology. We need to hold a confidential conversation with the child, explain in an accessible form what is happening to him and for how long, presumably, this will continue. To the emerging difficulties in communication should be treated with understanding, remember that yesterday's kid becomes nonsensical and sometimes unbearable not from a bad character and is not spiteful to you, but because he is experiencing a real storm of perestroika in his body.

Make it clear to the young rebel that you accept and support him, no matter what deeds he does and how he does not behave. A child who feels parental love and care with a smaller share of probability will begin to seek comfort and entertainment in bad company, alcohol and drugs. In order to avoid this, try to take all the free time of a teenager with matters that are interesting to him, and also control him - persistently, but democratically. Of course, you can not chained the child to yourself, but teach him the habit of sharing his plans with you.

The pubertal period in girls

Sexual maturation in girls begins around the age of 10-11, but a shift of 1-2 years is considered a variant of the norm. It should be consulted to a specialist if it started before 8 years old or does not start after 15, there may be some irregularities in the body.

With the onset of the pubertal period, the girls' ovaries begin to produce the hormone estrogen, under the influence of which the formation of the genital organs is completed, and secondary sexual characteristics develop. The girl's chest increases, the waist is outlined, the hips widen, the hair appears in the groin and underarms. The pubertal period ends with the onset of menstruation.

The pubertal period in boys

Sexual maturation in boys begins somewhat later than in girls - about 12-13 years, sometimes later. The hormone responsible for the development of the body in the male type is testosterone, under its influence, the testicles are enlarged in the boy, voice, begin to grow heavily the hair on the face and body. The child sweats strongly, he has acne and skin fats. In addition, the boy begins to see "wet dreams" - he has the first pollutions, involuntary ejaculation at night.

Often a teenager is not ready for the abrupt changes that occur with his body. Help him to cope with a sense of fright and embarrassment, introduce new skills of hygiene, which will help the child cope with temporary troubles like acne or excessive sweating.