Bullying in school

The problem of persecution of a child in the school existed at all times, but in the last decade it becomes especially urgent. Plots in television news, journalistic broadcasts are full of facts that testify about bullying at school. And the tendency of today is: to capture on a cell phone how the process of humiliation of a person is going on, in order to subsequently put the video on the Internet and thus satisfy its need for self-affirmation.

Up to 10 years, problems exist in the communication of the child, but they are not permanent. At the end of the junior school age, a team develops with its moral guidelines, principles of communication and leaders. If the class is dominated by negative moral attitudes, and leadership is achieved through aggression, then one or more members of the children's collective become outcasts. The child is bullied at school: insulted, threatened, ignored or inflicted physical damage, spoiling the property and beating. This phenomenon in psychology is called bulling. Bullying of pupils in the school is massive. According to the results of a poll conducted by the portal Kidspoll, 48% of children and adolescents were subjected to bullying, and 42% of respondents were themselves engaged in it.

Who is at risk of persecution?

The object of persecution is usually lonely, timid, emotionally sensitive and physically weak children. In the risk zone are the guys:

Adults may seem strange, but gifted children are also often subjected to persecution.

Consequences of baiting in school

The bullying of children at school rarely ends without consequences. Only the most volitional children with a stable psyche, finishing school, forget about the persecution they were subjected to. More often constant persecutions have a negative impact on the development of the individual: an insecure, self-contained person grows up. The most dramatic variant - the child, not seeing an exit from the created situation, is solved on a suicide .

Harassment in school: what to do?

The problem of how to stop bullying in school can only be solved by the joint efforts of parents, teachers and the school psychologist. A school where children spend a significant part of their time is responsible in the event that unhealthy relationships are established in the children's team. Attentive and sensitive teacher will notice that there is an abnormal situation in the class. The position of the teacher is extremely important, because he can psychologically support the child, organize a support group for the offended, stop attempts to hurt him, help create a situation of success.

Parents should see what is happening with the child, maintain a trusting relationship with him. Otherwise, the lack of support from adults can lead to sad consequences when the child makes attempts to commit suicide or physical violence against the offenders.

Considerable support can be provided by a psychologist, and this can be either a school specialist or a professional from the outside. With his help, the child learns techniques that help to build relationships with peers, methods of self-defense.

Well-proven strategy No Blame Approach, based on the ability of the psyche to process the situation, finding the optimal solution. The situation is analyzed and analyzed with the involvement of all participants in the conflict, teachers. It is important that no punishment after parsing should not be.

In the most severe cases, the problem of bullying in school is solved by transferring to another educational institution or even by moving.