Security Corner in School

The safety of our children directly depends on us - the adults surrounding the child who, from an early age, are obliged to regularly discuss and in the game form communicate to the baby the necessary information. The older a child becomes, the more such information he can remember and, in case of danger, be able to use it.

In kindergartens with children, thematic classes on fire safety are conducted and elementary rules of the road are played. When a child becomes more mature, he begins to attend school, where previously acquired knowledge is fixed and new ones are acquired, depending on his age. Each school has a corner of fire and road safety.

Designing a security corner in a school

In the junior classes, the task of organizing thematic corners falls on the parents, whom the class teacher directs. The work is to prepare stands, which will subsequently be posted safety information. For kids, to attract their attention, everything should be bright and colorful.

Such information stands are in every class, but in the cabinets of chemistry and physics this corner is given special significance. After all, in these rooms, children may unknowingly injure themselves and others, and therefore before each lesson the teacher conducts an oral briefing on the rules of conduct. Regular classes are held for knowledge of children fire safety rules, presented at the stands.

Fire Safety Corner in School

In addition to the classrooms in which the information most often presented relates to everyday situations, such informative boards should be in the corridors of the school, as well as on the stairs near the emergency exits. Whole lessons are devoted to teaching children correct behavior during a fire. They are told how to avoid panic, in emergency situations and correctly, without creating an excitement to leave the premises. Senior pupils are taught how to handle fire extinguishing agents.

Corner of road safety in school

Along with fire safety, attention is paid to the rules of behavior on the road . After all, we face every day with various situations that can be avoided or prevented. Schoolchildren are not always attentive on the way to school and home, they are often distracted by crossing the roadway.

To prevent disasters, monthly actions are held every year when traffic police inspectors come to school and tell about various situations on the road and the need to follow the rules by all the participants of the movement, regardless of age. To consolidate the information received weekly, on a class hour or after school hours, children again and again discuss the problems of safe movement. Stands with SDA are constantly updated and every student is obliged to know what is on them.

Corner safety equipment in the school

Safe behavior of children in school is something that teachers should teach them. After all, children always remain children, and sometimes behave rashly. Therefore, it is the class leader's responsibility to conduct weekly class meetings in order to teach children safe behavior, be they school or household situations.

The corner of safety equipment can be seen in the laboratories and in the gym, because these classes are places with possible injuries. Before using a sewing machine or a jig saw during the lesson, children are instructed on the rules for safe use. The stands describe step by step the work progress, which students must adhere to.

Also, in cabinets with increased danger, first-aid kits are available, which children should be informed about, as well as how to apply these tools in practice. Well, when the school has specialized classes dedicated to security in various areas of human activity. Here, children can practice their skills in practice.