What to do in the summer in kindergarten?

Summer is loved by adults and children alike. It is at this time that people tend to go on vacation. Summer days allow the child to heal and give him an unforgettable experience. Some of the kids do not attend kindergarten at this time. Therefore, institutions operate in a special regime. The composition of groups is unstable, and educators can change.

Entertainment for children in kindergarten in summer

From the time of the year, the games and classes that are conducted with the children depend. So on warm days it is useful for babies to spend most of the day in the fresh air. Developmental activities can also be transferred to the street. Summer weather allows you to organize the air and quiet games, and mobile.

If conditions permit, it is possible to break a small garden or a flower bed. Kids will master the simple care of plants, will observe their development. The teacher should accompany the activity with interesting stories and useful information.

For a walk you need to familiarize yourself with wildlife. You should introduce the children to the world around you. Do not forget about the work on the summer theme.

Games with water - this is really summer fun for children in kindergarten. Children usually like these activities, besides, they allow to cool off coolly in the heat. It is worth considering such options:

A great entertainment for children in kindergarten will be soap bubbles. You can arrange a real holiday. It should be suggested to parents that every child on a certain day bring soap bubbles with him. Kids will enthusiastically inflate them during a walk.

Reflecting on the question of what to do with children in the summer in kindergarten, we must not forget about sporting events. These can be active games, competitions or relay races. Moderate physical activity positively affects the growing body. In addition, such events provide an outlet for irrepressible energy for children. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the ball games. They develop coordination, motor skills, dexterity. With the smallest you can play "Edible-not edible", "Knockout". In the latter case, you must choose an easy ball to avoid injury.

Entertainment with the ball for children of the middle group of the kindergarten, as well as older age, can be presented in the form of team games, for example, football or volleyball.