What loses weight while running?

Many people know that regular jogging helps to correct weight and improve well-being. People who choose to give preference to this exercise, are interested in what loses weight when running and which muscles work? Aerobic loads , which include jogging, are considered the best option for those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

What loses weight from running?

Initially, it is worth mentioning that you will not be able to increase volumes with regular jogs. At the beginning of training, calf on the legs will increase slightly, but this only happens due to fluid retention.

What is losing weight during the run:

  1. When jogging, when a man steps on the toe and transfers weight to the heel, the muscles of the back of the thighs and buttocks work effectively.
  2. Athletic running, when the weight on the contrary passes from the heel to the sock, involves the gluteal muscles.
  3. Sprinting, when the full foot is pushed, the muscles of the thighs and calves work effectively.
  4. The muscles of the arms and the body work and lose weight during the run, but, of course, the effect will not be so great if compared with the feet. To increase the load, use dumbbells or put a backpack on your back.
  5. To work your back, as with losing weight, this part of the body must necessarily be involved, make sure that the shoulder blades are as close as possible to the spine. During the run, the shoulders should be lowered and the arms bent at the elbows.
  6. To lose weight while running in the abdomen, you need to keep the press in a constant tension somewhere by 60%. If you strongly involve the stomach, then the breath will simply be destroyed.

The effectiveness of training depends on the duration and regularity of training. At the initial stage it is not recommended to run every day and trainings should last no more than half an hour.