Pregnancy in cats

If you take a kitten into the house, be prepared for the fact that it will grow and you will have to decide the issue of sterilization. This procedure is quite complicated and dangerous for health pitomies, and it is recommended to conduct it only after childbirth. Not all owners decide to take their cat to the veterinarian and agree to the kittens.

The first signs of pregnancy in a cat

After you took the cat to the cat, start to observe the changes in her condition and behavior. Here is a list of the first signs of pregnancy in a cat that you will begin to notice:

How many pregnancies do cats have?

The kittens last about 72 days. For long-haired rocks, this period fluctuates within 62-72 days, and hairless breeds bear only 58-68 days. The terms of bearing affect the number of kittens: one kitten will bear a lot less than three or five. Now consider how pregnancy takes place in cats at each stage.

  1. Conception. The period lasts about 50 hours after sexual intercourse. It is this moment that is considered the starting point of pregnancy.
  2. The period of 20-30 days. The animal becomes more sleepy and begins to noticeably eat more. On the nipples you will notice a slight flaking, they start to increase in size. The abdomen is markedly rounded and becomes elastic.
  3. By the end of the 4th week the abdomen grows by 2.5 cm. The fetal size fluctuates around 3.5 cm.
  4. By the end of the 5th week, the belly of the cat turns round into a pear-shaped form, the sides become convex.
  5. About 50 days, the rapid growth of embryos begins. At this stage, its size is about 8 cm. The fruit begins to grow hair, the cat appreciably loses its appetite. You can notice the beginning of a stir.

Pregnancy in cats - what do you need to know the owner?

The period of pregnancy in cats is a very special time not only for the animal, but also for its owners. You must have patience and constantly watch your favorite. The entire period it should be only indoors.

Consult a specialist about nutrition. Vitamin supplements, a balanced diet and quality products are the prerequisites for successful gestation and delivery.

For the period of pregnancy in cats, medications can be given only in emergency situations.

Provide the cat with a cozy and comfortable place to relax. For these purposes it is convenient to use disposable baby diapers, which are always in the pharmacies. The place should be warm and well protected.

Do not let the cat walk at a height or climb. On the last terms, keep the balance will be difficult and the animal may fall, which will lead to sad consequences. Also, the future mother should be protected from contact with other inhabitants of the house. In the period of gestation, the cat needs solitude and tranquility.

Before delivery, prepare a bowl of food and water for the cat in advance. You can also grab food yourself, as labor can last about a day. In advance, arrange with a veterinarian to be at your disposal in case of force majeure.