Does running help you lose weight?

It's no secret that running helps to lose weight. This is one of the reasons that it is running so popular in many countries in which there is an active fight against obesity - for example, in the US. There in the mornings in the parks you can meet a lot of people who practice jogging - someone for losing weight, someone to keep the body in a tone, and someone just for the sake of pleasure.

The effectiveness of running for weight loss

The question of whether running helps to lose weight has been resolved long ago. The fact is that running complexly affects the body and allows you to achieve several effects at once.

Running or walking for weight loss is incredibly effective, if only because they actively force almost all muscle groups to get involved. Thanks to this, the whole organism starts to work faster: the heart begins to pump blood three to four times more intensively, the metabolism is accelerated, each cell receives more oxygen. Together with the toxins and toxins come out, with time, with regular exercise, the work of the liver and even the gastrointestinal tract is stabilized. Thus, you can not only lose weight from running, but also improve the whole body, disperse the metabolism and feel the lightness and purity of its renewed, unblinded body.

Lose weight is helped by the fact that all this very intense work of the body requires additional energy, which it takes from the fat deposits accumulated in the problem areas - stomach, back, hips, hands, buttocks. With regular classes at a very perceptible rate, the fat layer that covers the body disappears - and this is the most "quality" weight loss.

There are many people who perfectly understand that you can lose weight with the help of running, but consider it too complicated and prefer to sit on various new-fangled diets. However, everyone who has already gone through this path will sadly confirm that after any diet, especially short-term, weight soon comes back and sometimes even in large volumes. The main difference between the effect of running and the effect of diets is that weight loss is more sustainable, because it does not happen due to cleansing of the intestine, empty stomach and withdrawal of excess fluid, but due to splitting of fatty deposits. You do not even need a special diet, however, it is fair to say that if you eat right and do not overeat, then the weight goes away faster.

Does running help you lose weight?

Running on a track or stadium for weight loss allows not only to effectively lose weight in the legs and give the buttocks and hips a more attractive form, but also eliminates the most problematic area for women - fat deposits on the stomach. No exercise on the press will help you to reach a flat, beautiful tummy if you do not give the body aerobic load, which is running.

As a result, after a month of regular jogging you will see how complex and harmoniously your body changes!

How to lose weight by running?

The most important thing in such loads is regularity. It is proved that if you run at a relaxed pace every day in the morning (however, running for weight loss in the evening is also effective), then you will lose weight faster than if you train more intensively 4-5 times a week.

The first 20 minutes the body uses the energy that you get with food and only after that fat reserves. Therefore, you need to start running from 20 minutes and every day or every other day, increase the norm for 1-3 minutes, until you reach 40-50 minutes. This is the optimal time for jogging. It is important to purchase special running shoes and prefer running on natural soil or a special coating - this helps reduce the load on the joints. After the first month of training, you will notice the result!