Vakderm for dogs

Animals, like people, get sick from time to time. However, the diseases in pets are completely different, respectively, and vaccinated against them. So, for example, from the fungal skin lesions is designed to protect the Vacderm vaccine for dogs and cats. It successfully copes with various types of dermatophytosis, since it is used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of animals. Let's look at the study of this vaccine in more detail.

Features of the vaccine Vacderm

The vaccination against fungal diseases, more commonly known as lichen , for dogs is of particular importance, since the risk of contracting dermatophytes in animals daily on the street is very high. This is all the more important if in your home, except for a dog, there are small children. As for other domestic animals, they are usually vaccinated with domestic cats, which are released to the street by the owners, as well as rabbits and fur-bearing animals.

In this case, a veterinarian should prescribe a vaccination using this drug for your dog, based on the health of the pet.

Instructions for Vaccine Vaccerm for dogs states that it is possible to vaccinate puppies from the age of 2 months.

The mechanism of application of this drug is as follows:

  1. As well as before the introduction of any other vaccine, 10 days before the vaccination, it is necessary to conduct deworming of the dog ("drive out the worms").
  2. If you purchased Vakderm in dry form, it must be dissolved beforehand. For this, distilled water or saline is used. Also, if you want, you can buy a special solvent in the veterinary pharmacy for drugs against dermatophytosis. However, the easiest way is to immediately get Vakderm in liquid form, in ampoules of the right size, which depends on the weight of your dog.
  3. Injection of the vaccine is given to dogs intramuscularly: first in one thigh, and then, in 14 days - in another.
  4. Immunity to the disease is formed a month after the introduction of the second portion of the vaccine and lasts approximately 12 months. Accordingly, it is desirable to plant an animal from dermatophytosis annually.
  5. To prevent dermatophytosis, namely trichophytosis and microsporia, the dose of the drug should not exceed 0.5 ml (for animals weighing 5 kg or less) or 1 ml (respectively for larger animals).
  6. Regardless of whether a therapeutic or prophylactic dose has been introduced, the dog needs rest and relief from exercise for several days after vaccination.

Vakderm - contraindications and side effects

Healthy animals do injections Vakderma is allowed at any time of the year. If the dog is sick or weak, it has an elevated body temperature, it is impossible to prick the vaccine to such an animal. This is due to the fact that Vakderma contains formalin-inactivated fungal spores of dermatophytes. It is also forbidden to vaccinate pregnant dogs from dermatophytosis.

The vaccine is harmless, but often the puppy shows a postvaccinal reaction to Vakderm, which manifests itself in painful compaction and swelling in the thigh area. These symptoms, as a rule, disappear themselves a couple of days after vaccination. The cause of seals can be the introduction of a cold vaccine or the use of non-sterile syringes. There may also be some lethargy and drowsiness - these are absolutely normal after immunization.

Much less often, as an exception, dogs can have cones on their paws (especially in small breeds). This is rather an individual reaction to the drug and requires an additional visit to the veterinarian.