Cryopreservation of sperm

Reproductive medicine is developing at an incredible rate, and now a lot of married couples who would have received a sentence of "infertility" have the opportunity to become parents. Cryopreservation of sperm is one such achievement that is widely used in assisted reproductive technologies (ART). We will get acquainted with the indications for cryopreservation of the seed and the peculiarities of the technology.

What is the freezing of sperm for?

There are a number of indications, according to which the cryopreservation of spermatozoa is performed, they include:

Freezing sperm and eggs is a big step forward in reproductive medicine. This procedure has an explanation if spermatozoa are removed surgically to avoid repeated collection of sperm. In addition, even the most full-fledged man is not immune from diseases and injuries that either reduce a man's ability to conceive or, in general, exclude it. And freezing his sperm, a man has a real chance to become a father.

Preparing for cryopreservation of sperm

Before freezing your sperm, a man should be examined. So, the necessary analyzes are:

It is advisable to conduct a cryotest, that is, after freezing by special technologies, unfrozen some of the donor sperm to assess its quality after defrosting and the viability of spermatozoa.

The procedure for collecting and preserving sperm

Freezing of spermatozoa consists of several stages.

  1. So, the first step is to obtain sperm and keep it at room temperature for up to one hour, so that self-extinction occurs.
  2. In the second stage, the frost itself is made by adding a cryoprotectant to the ejaculate, which prevents the destruction of spermatozoa during the freezing, crystallization of water in the cells and makes the cell membranes more stable.
  3. After the addition of cryoprotectant, the resulting composition is left for 15 minutes, after which they are filled with special containers (cryosolomines). The tubes with the drug are stored in the cooler chamber exclusively in a horizontal position, they must be marked and tightly closed.

The freezing process is also carried out gradually to a temperature of -198 ° C (the temperature of liquid nitrogen). Defrost sperm should be immediately before the procedure of in vitro fertilization or insemination.

Of course, not all spermatozoa retain their fertilizing ability at the right time, but on average 75% remain full, and this is quite enough for successful fertilization. The success of conception after fertilization (insemination or IVF) with sperm that underwent defrosting and fresh is almost identical.

So, the procedure of cryopreservation of sperm is one of the newest technologies of modern medicine, which many couples and young men gave hope for the birth of a child. Negative point is its high cost, as the need for expensive equipment for freezing and storage and preparations significantly increases it in price. And this, in turn, makes it inaccessible for men with an average and below the average level of prosperity.