Hormonal balance

In women, the balance between female sex hormones is balanced by the balanced work of the pituitary, hypothalamus, endocrine system and ovaries. If the work of one of the organs is disrupted, the failure affects the entire body.

What is the hormonal balance of a woman?

To suspect a violation of hormonal balance can be for such symptoms:

For the diagnosis of violations it is necessary to determine the level of female sex hormones in the blood of a woman.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

To begin the restoration of hormonal balance in women, it is necessary to find out the reasons that caused its violation. These include genetic defects in the hormonal sphere, chronic stress, endocrine diseases in a woman, chronic inflammatory diseases of female genital organs, surgery or trauma of the endocrine glands, immunodeficiencies, lack of vitamins and trace elements, abortion or miscarriage, hormonal drugs, menopause .

How to restore hormonal balance to a woman?

If you need to decide how to restore the balance of female hormones, you must first conduct a full examination of a woman. To restore hormonal balance use drugs as hormonal and non-hormonal. There are many drugs that are used as an alternative to restore the hormonal balance without the use of hormones. These include homeopathic remedies, similar in effect to sex hormones of the herb for hormonal balance (such as, for example, red clover). Vitamin E, A, B, as well as a diet containing fruits and vegetables, as well as limiting fats and digestible carbohydrates excluding strong tea and coffee are used to correct the hormonal balance.

If necessary, hormonal preparations are used to correct hormonal disorders. These include hormone replacement therapy, stimulating or inhibiting therapy with hormone replacement drugs. With tumors of the endocrine glands, their operative removal is possible.