Celery Gluten - cooking recipes

If you can be attributed to the number of celery fans, then try to implement the recipes cooking cough cherry celery, which we will describe further.

Salad with petioled celery - recipe

Stems of celery are incredibly tasty fresh, especially if you combine them with green apples. Use this classic combination once again we decided in the framework of this salad.



Prepare salad dressing, first whipping the first three ingredients together, then starting to pour olive oil to them, continuing to whip actively. Cut the celery and apple, season the salad with mustard sauce and sprinkle with nuts before serving.

Preparation of celery celery for the winter - recipe



Divide the washed celery stems into pieces that are conveniently placed in a jar. Blanch celery in salted boiling water for a couple of minutes. Prepare the brine by pouring salt into the boiling water, adding lemon juice and pea peppercorns. Pour hot brine contents of prepared cans and pasteurize all 20 minutes before rolling.

Roasted stalked celery



Spread the butter, fry the hot pepper in it, and then put the stalks of celery cut into strips. Stir, fry the stems in hot oil for 3 minutes, then pour the soy sauce and wait another minute. Serve the stems warm.

What to cook with celery?



To make this soup with delicate, refined taste, cut onions and celery, save them until soft, add chopped potatoes and garlic, and after half a minute fill everything with broth. Boil the soup to soften the potatoes, and then beat it with a blender and season with lemon juice before serving.