Mask of apples for face

In the struggle for beautiful skin, all means are good, and especially when they consist of natural ingredients.

Apple in cosmetology is used in every way: both vinegar on its basis for weight loss, and pulp for the beauty of the skin. Let's find out how to make your face smooth and white with a tasty and healthy fruit, like an apple.

How is the apple good for the skin?

Scientists recently found that an apple is a powerful anti-aging agent that can push back aging and prevent cancer.

The fact that the apple contains natural antioxidants, which are created by nature to fight for health.

Also, for sure, everyone knows that green apples contain a lot of iron and vitamin C, which favorably affect the turgor of the skin and increase its resistance to wrinkles .

Mask of apples from acne

Mask for the face with honey apple is useful to those who are fighting against acne. The main advantages of the mask are the presence of antiseptic components, iron and vitamin C.

A mask made of apple and honey is very simple:

  1. Grate the apple with the rind on a grater and mix the gruel with 3 tbsp. sugated honey.
  2. The received dense mass put on the cleared face for 10 minutes.

Its effectiveness will be higher if you pre-steam the face and make a mask based on clay so that the pores are well cleared of dust and dead cells.

If you want to nourish the skin, then add egg yolk to mask 1.

Mask of apples against wrinkles, improving the complexion

A mask of apples with milk helps the fading skin. Its main advantages are a large amount of calcium, iron and vitamin C:

  1. Take the green apple and grind it with the rind. It is desirable that the apple was solid - this indicates that it did not lie for long. A good indicator of a fresh and healthy apple is the rapid darkening of the pulp.
  2. After grinding, add the milk to the gruel and let it brew for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Then apply the pulp to the skin of the face and fix the mask with food film, pre-measuring the flap and making holes for the eyes, mouth and nose. The film is necessary in order to keep the gruel on the face and create the effect of "parks".
  4. To enhance the properties of the mask, place the face for 5 minutes under the steam - it may be a container of hot water, but be careful not to burn yourself. Under the influence of heat, the pores expand, the skin softens, and the beneficial components penetrate the dermis better.

In general, keep the mask should not be more than 10-15 minutes, depending on the sensations.