How to remove swelling under the eyes?

The appearance of puffiness under the eyes is one of the most common problems in the appearance of women. In this regard, sooner or later, many representatives of the fair sex wonder: "How to remove swelling under the eyes?".

Causes of edema under the eyes

In order to find the answer to this burning question, it is better to understand immediately why edema under the eyes is generally formed. Correctly found cause of bags under the eyes will help to find a method of eliminating them faster.

And there can be a lot of such reasons. First, elementary fatigue will affect the face, there will be swelling under the eyes - what to do, it's natural. The only panacea against this can be an adequate assessment of their forces, planning their time, alternating types of activity, as well as working with a full rest. It is still important to understand that swelling under the eyes, how to get rid of which will be told later, arise precisely in case of overwork, and not with fatigue. Fatigue is a normal state of the person, while fatigue acts as a borderline between fatigue and illness. Secondly, the reason can be age. Eyeballs are covered with pouches with fatty deposits for protection. Because of age features, the muscles under the eyes lose their activity. In this case, a good solution to how to remove swelling under the eyes, can be tested folk methods - lotions from plant extracts. Or you can use a special cream for swelling under the eyes.

By the way, it can never be needed by those who will watch their eye muscles. If they overstrain during the day, then the swelling will manifest itself. Those people who are forced to spend time in front of the computer because of the profession, should take breaks, even if not very long, but frequent, so that the eyes rest a little. You can leave something to print, carry the documents, the main thing is not to be near the computer, do not write, do not read during these breaks. Weekends should be done without a computer. The same people who are near the computer because of their hobbies (games, social networks, web surfing), you need to limit yourself, so that there are no swelling under the eyes, which can not be quickly removed in each case.

How to get rid of edema under the eyes?

This question does not necessarily have to look for a sophisticated answer, since in the fight against puffiness elementary care helps avoid bad habits. Bags under the eyes can appear from alcohol and smoking. For those who often attend parties, but do not have these bad habits, it's enough to spend less time with smokers. The same applies to overeating, since people of a dense constitution are more prone to the risk of a bag under the eyes.

People who drink before going to bed a lot of water, constantly nervous, little outdoors or those with blood circulation problems also fall into the risk group. In this case, you need to rethink the attitude to your health and behavior, and then you can remove swelling under your eyes, getting rid of their causes.

Methods, how to remove swelling under the eyes, mass. If the cream does not help with swelling under the eyes or special masks, you can try to sleep so that the head is higher than the entire body.

Some may encounter the problem of bags under the eyes due to genetic peculiarities. Therefore, doctors have developed collagen injections with pinoxid, which have a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the area of ​​injection.

Folk remedies for swelling under the eyes

To eliminate swelling under the eyes, you can use folk remedies. One of the simplest and most popular is lotion from chamomile flowers. To do this, you need 1 cup of boiling water to pour 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and insist 10-15 minutes. It is necessary to soak your eyes with this infusion for at least 15 minutes. Also in boiling water, you can add 1 tbsp. l. green or black tea. To remove swelling under the eyes in the same way you can with the help of lime-colored leaves, mint leaves in any condition and medulla. Also dry grass horsetail: before the infusion process, it is necessary to boil the mixture for 20-25 minutes.

Potatoes can also be an effective solution to the problem of how to remove swelling under the eyes. It is enough to apply to the eyes circles of peeled potatoes for 20-30 minutes. Grated potatoes with parsley and dill will also help. Instead of potatoes, you can use a cucumber, cut into slices or grated.

Take care of the skin around your eyes and do not forget that you should not bring bags under the eyes to hernias, when surgical intervention is already inevitable.