Fatsia - home care

House plant fatsia - an evergreen large flower from the family Araliev, whose historical homeland is Japan. At home, it has been grown for about 200 years. Its height can reach 1.5 meters, the leaves of the fatsia are very large - in diameter up to 30 cm. It feels great in the winter garden, in the office, and is often used to decorate the interior.

The fatsia has dark green leaves that look like chestnut leaves. But there is another kind of fatsia - its leaves are mottled with a white or yellow rim. Grow a plant in tubs or very large pots. In captivity, fatsia blooms very rarely, but if it pleases you with inflorescences - enjoy their delicate scent.

Fatsia is a cure for stress, with this misfortune he fights, simply by being in your home. Plus, in medicine, fatsia is used as a tonic and restorative.

How to care for the fatsia?

The flower does not like the direct rays of the sun, it is possible to take it out in the summer, but it needs to be protected from the scorching rays. Perfectly tolerates shade, partial shade and feels well under artificial lighting. Like fatsii well ventilated rooms, in winter, the temperature should not fall below 10 degrees, and do not rise above 15. In summer, frequent spraying and moistening of the pan, the land should not dry out. In the spring-summer period the plant needs fertilizing, once every two to three weeks alternating - mineral and organic fertilizers. In watering the fatsia, the golden mean is important, and with moisture, the main thing is not to overdo it.

How to transplant a fatsia?

The plant has a powerful root system, so it should be transplanted once in 2-3 years. It should be done in the spring, and the next pot should be larger than the previous one. The earth needs to be mixed: 0.5 sand; 1 part of peat, garden land and turf; 2 parts of leaf humus; well, plus there must be good drainage. This flower loves loose soil, when you will transplant, do not compact the soil - it is better then to fill it.

Reproduction of fatsia

How can we multiply fatsia further? You can do this in two ways - seeds and cuttings (they should have several kidneys).

Cuttings we lower them into peat with sand and cover with a jar, in the morning and in the evening it is necessary to remove it to ventilate the plant. After the cuttings take root, they must be planted in a pre-prepared land. The plants multiplied in this way are not high, with a dense crown. If you want to form a plant in shrub or ampel, then you need to start forming from the cuttings.

Now we will tell you how to grow a fatsia from seeds. In early spring, soak the seeds for a day or two in a warm water, you can add a stimulant. After that, we sow the seeds in peat with sand (after having previously disinfected the soil), and sprinkle a thin layer of sand. Moisturize, cover with glass or film, only do not pour strongly with water. When the shoots grow, they are transplanted into pots.

Diseases of fatsia

If your plant is overheated or has little light, it may have lower leaves. Root rot (necrotic spots on the leaves) appears after the overmoistening of the earth, the diseased flower needs to be sprinkled and poured with foundation stone. If the fatsia yellow leaves and fall - it is a spider mite or strongly moistened soil. Why can fatsia dry leaves - insufficient watering, dry air. If the temperature rises above 22 degrees, and the air is dry, the flower begins to lose leaves. Look after and watch the fatsia, she will be grateful to decorate your interior with her green crown.